Chapter 1- Is this even legal?

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It was a chilly winter, everyone was dawning puffy coats and mittens that looked as soft and warm as a blanket. I wore a brown thin jacket that was adorned with maroon colored buttons. The jacket didn't help what so ever but I didn't want to look like an idiot wearing an oversized puffy coat so I had to bear through with it. A sudden text from my phone sent a chill through my body, I rarely get texts except if they're from my parents which is once in a blue moon. Who could be texting me now? I pulled out the phone and slid to see a text message from Chris himself. "Heyyyy Cody, the producers really liked you in the first season so you're coming back again this time in an all new season with a couple new contestants. Also before you say no, it's in your contract you have no choice. See you tomorrow!" Cody almost dropped his phone from shock. Total Drama? Again? No, no, no, he wouldn't let the thought even begin to settle that he'd go again. He felt humiliated last time being voted off so early and being forced to act so fake in front of the camera for the character he was supposed to play. Everything about that cringe worthy place makes me never want to go back there except for one thing... Could he be there?

In the middle of the night a loud thud shakes the house, jolting me awake. I look outside to see a flickering light. The old face of the man I knew emerged under the light with a devious smile. My eyes were barely adjusted to the light after an interruption from my sleep. His scruffy unshaven face and dimples were amplified under the light and his grey hairs slowly started to protrude from him being older. "Good morning! I sure hope you got enough sleep to function but if not well sucks to be you." He laughed as he said that and sipped on some coffee. I slowly approached and unlocked the door. Thank god my parents were away and I was home alone like usual. I didn't want them to think they were being robbed or something. I walked over to Chris and glared at him before getting into the white van that seemed suspicious and barely functioning. As I was driven to who the hell knows what place, I wondered about where we were going and how I'd handle it.

He said there was going to be new people there too hopefully he could make some friends so he didn't look like a loser. He knew he had no shot at winning whatever prize Chris threw at them. Then I started to zone out thinking about the possible challenges that could happen... my mind wandered to him again and my cheeks turned into a tomato. I can't let anyone know that I like him, in this day and age I know I would get called so many slurs. Just the thought of broadcasting my sexuality on tv makes me shudder. The car then abruptly stopped almost sending me flying into the seat in front of me. The car clinked open and then I was brought to a school cafeteria. The tables and seats looked ruined and there was rust and some bugs scouring across the floor for old food crumbs. Why were we in a shit hole of a cafeteria I pondered, disgusted by the rat gorging himself with a moldy piece of bread. Then I was shoved into a bag against my will. Yes. Classic Total Drama giving so much love and care to its contestants. I just accepted my fate and nodded off to sleep eventually despite my situation.

When I awoke I saw a room of worried filled contestants, most familiar but two faces unknown. One of the faces stood out to me the most. His smug grin, cocky eyebrow raise, his forehead wrinkles, his beautiful- "GOOD MORNING CAMPERS!!!!" The sound was made by the man wearing a lanyard and glasses paired with a huge megaphone. Chris was adorning a new outfit for this new season that was a buttoned up white collared shirt with a pair of plain black jeans. He seemed to be role playing as a teacher though I knew all that man was smart enough to teach was how to kill yourself 100 times 101. "AS YOU CAN SEE THERE-" RINGGGG* The megaphone he was talking into made a head splitting ringing noise half way through his speech. Chris's solution to this problem? He threw the megaphone on the ground and broke it. "Whatever I'm not much of a megaphone person myself." The man said as he twirled his lanyard around and laughed, shrugging the problem off. "Soooo this season as you can see is school themed! Why? You guys are all the age where your school lives are drama filled and interesting. There will be various challenges that are school themed but that's for another day! Well then I guess that's enough monologue, breakfast is on! Dig in while it lasts." Chris looked so proud after saying his speech and began to bite into an apple and wandered off to a staff only room. "ITS BREAKFAST TIME MAGGOTS!!! SINGLE FILE LINE! NO CUTTING OR YOU GET NOTHING!" A familiar voice yelled out these words, it was chef fashioning a lunch lady's garments with gloves, apron, and a hair net. I got in line and was disappointed to see the food wasn't any better this season, in fact it looked worse. Now the problem arose, deciding where to sit, flashbacks of his school year arose in his mind. He always ate alone in the bathroom stall otherwise he would be bullied and called slurs by passing by jocks. He was an easy target to label as a scrawny, nerd-like geek. He decided to sit at a table located in the back of the cafeteria, it was a bit more dirty than other tables but he didn't mind. He sat down and sighed, the feeling of loneliness made him embarrassed. All of a sudden he could hear a hyperventilating girl near him as she sat right next to him.

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