Chapter 6- The Calm Before The Storm

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After waking up I felt like shit, I woke up in the middle of the night. My head ringed and I felt like I was going to throw up. I had had a nightmare about Sierra where she married me and ripped out my vocal cords so I couldn't say no. I felt sick to my stomach, the dream felt so realistic like I could feel the pain I felt in it in real life. I went over to the bathroom where I then lazily plopped on the toilet, half asleep. I stood there for a couple seconds staring into the camera.

I hated how all this would be broadcasted on tv and people would enjoy every minute of my suffering. I felt so powerless in almost every situation I've been in so this was no different to me. I did my business and then walked back to my room.

I bumped into someone on my way back, a squeal came out of their mouth as they fell to the ground. "WHY YOU LITTLE- OH HI CODYKINS!!!" Her voice quickly switched from rugged to sweet and soft. She embraced me in an awkward hug. "Why...are you up so late..." I said sleepily. "Oh! You know just some plans! Biggg plans! But you can't know them yet! Hehehe!" Sierra said filled with energy, something I wish I had. "Uh huh...I'm gonna go back to sleep now." I said too tired to give a shit about Sierras antics anymore. "Sweet dreams Codykins!" She said as I walked away. I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

When I awoke for the second time much later in the day, I yawned and stretched my body which was very sore. I walked over to the cafeteria where most of the contestants were, majority of the popular team was sat at a table, same with the nerds. I decided to get my food and sit next to  my team. I picked at the food as our team sat in silence, it was extremely awkward. Everyone from our team was there except for Sierra and Ezekiel. I was relieved Sierra wasn't there because I already never wanted to see her again.

Then all of a sudden while we were eating, alarms rang. "FIRE ALERT FIRE ALERT! PLEASE HEAD OUT TO THE FIELD IMMEDIATELY!" The alarm rang as its sirens continued on. I plugged my ears and rushed outside leaving my stomach somewhat empty. We all ran in a hoard and finally made it outside to the field, all desperate and gasping for air. "Hmmm, okay! Good job students! This was a drill but if it were real you wouldn't be dead!" Chris said as he chuckled. "What the hell!? We were so worried for NOTHING? What was the point of that!!" Heather snapped angrily. "The bureau or whatever wanted us to do a fire drill just in case for the shows safety so I decided to make it into a challenge that was fun!" Chris rattled on.

"Whoever didn't make it here starting now is now trapped inside the school and will be forcefully eliminated. Which means...Ezekiel...Oh just Ezekiel? Huh I wonder where he went." Chris said nonchalantly, not really that worried. "Well whatever! Nerd team that means you're down your first player!" Chris said as a jab to the other teams. We all looked a bit disappointed but not too much because it was Ezekiel being eliminated.

"Without further ado! Let's begin the actual challenge of today!" Chris said laughing. "Ugh! Come on we just sprinted out here through this maze of a school, can't we catch a break!?" Leshawna roared at Chris.

"So sad, too bad! Anyways we're doing a relay race challenge! These are the rules, the first player nominated must receive a baton covered in itching powder, they then must run through a pit filled with scorpions! After that they must pass it off to the second player nominated who will have to feed very angry chickens who will attempt to bite your hands off! After successfully feeding a chicken they must run to the third player while going through a quicksand pit. Then the third player will do a handstand and walk backwards while the ground is filled with fire ants who will bite at their hands! After the third player gives the fourth player the baton, the fourth player must run on a spinning platform that has many holes in it, beneath this platform is hundreds of piranhas who will bite you if you fall. After the fourth player has completed their challenge they will then send the baton to the fifth player where they will climb a poll greased with butter to collect their immunity reward at the top!" Chris droned on and on about the race, I kind of zoned out over half way through knowing every challenge would just be a different type of torture.

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