Chapter 2- Secret Alliance

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"Let's begin today's challenge! Today Chef has served up some delicious grub, each team has to complete their food to win immunity. One team will be going to elimination tonight!" Chris smiled after stating the challenge, probably excited to see us suffer. "Food! I love food!" Owen cheered as his tongue stuck out and he started to drool. We all sat down at our team's designated tables and wait for Chef to fill each tray. One by one each scoop more gross than the last everyone got their "meals" if you could even call it that. Anyways I'm pretty sure I saw mine move which freaked me out but I didn't want to be eliminated right away so I attempted to stuff my mouth with the grey fuzzy slop. I could already hear puking noises from other contestants which didn't help with the fact the griddy, slimey, and snot-like "food" slid down my throat. I barely managed to finish but then I looked over at the other team members and saw Gwen struggling to finish.

From the other team I heard Lindsay and Justin struggling to eat because they were both too pretty to eat such gross food. Honestly the popular team has people on it who will destroy each other one by one most likely so I won't need to worry for a while hopefully. I look over to the Jock team and see that they have already finished minutes ago, seeming clearly fine. Then I switch back to looking at my team and gaze at Noah who was choking on his last piece of grey slop. He looked so adorable even choking- wait no that sounds so wrong, what is wrong with me. Noah then realized I was staring at him and then raised his eyebrow in confusion again. I was lost in thought while looking at Noah. I forgot that our team still wasn't finished and Gwen was still eating.

Sierra glared at her, "Come on Gwen you're the last one for our team!" Sierra screeched as she shoved the bowl filled with food down Gwen's face leaving her gasping for air. Gwen had ate all the food after that and we were the second team to finish. "What the fuck Sierra? What was that for??" Gwen snapped back quickly after recovering from the horrid food. "Look the only thing that matters in this game is me and my Cody and if going to elimination puts him at risk I won't allow you to fail this simple challenge." Sierra's voice escalated as she continued on, each word more hurtful than the last. "Look I don't know what lala land you're in! Cody clearly isn't into you! Just look at him!" Gwen pointed towards me who was staring at Noah gagging as he was on the verge of death. Sierra was going to say a snotty comeback but before she could Chris cut her off. "Alright!! Looks like team jocks and nerds have won this challenge! Their reward? Immunity for tonight! Popular team I will see you in the detention hall!" Chris's message led to panic among the popular team as they had already lost their advantage of one extra player.

I was too unbothered to care about who from the other team was getting voted off because everyone from that team wasn't really close to me. As I walked towards the dorm room for my break, Gwen grabbed my sleeve and motioned to talk to her. "Quick come with me before she sees us." Gwen said in a hushed tone, the she, she was referring to was obviously Sierra. She led me to an abandoned stairwell in the maze of a school and sat on the stairs motioning me to sit next to her. "Look uh... What Sierra did to me today wasn't great and I know she's all you crazy and I don't know how that's impacting you right now." Gwen said nervously, gnawing at her nail.

"Believe me, I am definitely impacted by that crazy girl! She's tried to smell my hair multiple times while I was asleep. So what are you trying to get at?" I gushed all this out at once, happy that Gwen could confide in me as a friend. "I think we need to get her out, I know you might not want to because that's an extra alliance for you that will be gone but-" I cut off Gwen who was trying to be considerate but I couldn't bother to let her go on any longer. "I'm in if you want to vote her as long as you don't vote off Noah." I said, presenting a gap toothed grin afterwards to show my trust towards her. "Heh, thanks Cody, I hope all goes well between the two of you." She said with her hand on her chest. She then got up so I followed in suit. "See you at the next challenge." Gwen said as she walked away, her footsteps echoing in the hallway. Thank goodness at least someone agrees with me on that nutcase of a girl. I can't believe someone is so obsessed like that with someone, especially me.

(Switching to Sierras POV for the rest of chapter)

That good for nothing Gwen who's always getting close to MY Cody decides that I'm in the wrong!? She's the weakest link clearly and if there's a bond between her and Cody I need to destroy it. Hmmm, maybe if I search Cody's room and find a cute pair of clothes to keep that will cheer me up! The purple haired girl carefully tiptoed into Cody's room, trying her best not to make a sound. Good, Cody is gone, Harold is gone, Noah is gone, and Ezekiel is sleeping in the top bunk so he'll never notice that I'm here. I rummage through the drawers of Cody's looking through underwear until I come across something. A diary? Awww how cute! Codykins keeps a diary of his deepest thoughts and treasures! How perfect for me to get to know him better. I easily bypassed the passcode, I know his birthday by heart. Then I begin to read, too excited to take the diary somewhere else.

(Excerpt from Cody's diary)
"You know having so much free time sometimes is a bad thing. I'm always home alone way too often with my thoughts spiraling through my head. Like why did my parents decide to have me if they never even bother to spend more than a couple minutes checking in on me and leaving for another business trip. I wish I had another sibling or a relationship with at least someone... But I'm not interesting so no one would probably like me."

A creak can be heard from the hallway, Sierra's good hearing can deduce that it is definitely Cody with his size 4 in men's converse sneakers. Sierra jolts up and pushes the drawer in, making it look as if she was never there while stuffing the diary in her pocket. She rushed out the door before Cody noticed someone was there and went into her dorm room.

Authors note: Sorry this chapter is short I will try my best to make them longer.

Word Count: 1,187
Current POV: Sierra
Summary: In order to escape elimination the contestants have to go on a food eating challenge where everyone in their team has to finish eating a mysterious grey slop. Along the way Gwen struggles to finish eating and is then forcefully fed by Sierra who wants her team to win so Cody can remain safe. This causes a hatred between Sierra and Gwen. Team Jock had finished before team nerd so the popular team loses the challenge and has to vote someone off. After the challenge Cody starts to go to his room until interrupted by Gwen who wants to form an alliance with him to vote off Sierra. He agrees to this alliance but while talking to Gwen, Sierra snags his diary with all of his personal secrets.

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