Chapter 10 - The aftermath

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Cody's POV: Sierra saw us holding hands and then screamed. She looked furious and red from head to toe. "HOW DARE YOU! You promised you'd stay away from him and now I see this?" Sierra said in a cold voice. "I will make sure your life is hell." Sierra said as she glared into Noah's eyes.

"Look Sierra! I don't fucking like you, I never did, there is no way we are ever going to be a thing so just give it up and leave Noah alone. There's going to be someone for you in the future and that someone won't ever be me." I said standing up to Sierra.

"What!? But...Cody no! Please...You can't do this to me." Sierra said sobbing and crying on the floor. We walked away as she continued to cry and sob more. She seemed defeated after what I had said and knew she had no chance now. "I apologize for hurting Noah and y-you! I just really wanted you..." Sierra said sympathetically.

"That's not how love works ding dong, you ask someone out or get closer to them politely not attack them." Noah said coldly with no remorse.

Sierra kept on saying sorry and sorry over again until finally she just broke into sobs. We left her to cry by herself because honestly we didn't care about her. We just smiled and sat next to each other and read together. I guess that's all that we needed, each other.

I'm glad I was able to become closer with Noah like I wanted and I was glad I was able to overcome my fears. I felt stronger now with Noah by my side and knew he'd protect me no matter what. We read for the rest of the night, worry free and I fell asleep leaning onto Noah's shoulder.

When I woke up the next morning Sierra had voluntarily quit the show, it seemed too good to be true. Sierra the total drama fan? Quitting the show after what had just happened and not even trying to come back? It just shook me to my core, it felt wrong like an unwritten chapter at the end of a book.

She had left a note which Chris handed to me annoyed at her sudden disappearance.

"I'm sorry Cody and I'm sorry Noah, what I did was wrong and I know it isn't right. I still love you so much Cody and nothing will change that. In the end I've decided that seeing you is too much for me and my mental health. I don't want to hurt you guys anymore than I already have so I will be leaving this show. If possible I hope we can still be friends." -Sierra

Chills ran down my spine as just yesterday she had acted cold and rude but now she was suddenly sweet when she had gotten into deep trouble. She was definitely trying to get on my good side but I still couldn't stand her and tore up the note. Noah asked what happened as I tore it up and I said it was nothing, just something I needed to get rid of.

As the challenge for today began I knew that me and Noah wouldn't win the million dollar prize but I know we already had won something, love. Love is more valuable than anything else to me and that is enough for me to be satisfied. In the end we both never ended up winning as it was pretty obvious.

But I know at the end of the day I'll always have a prize better than a million dollars, that prize is Noah. We managed to stay in contact after the show ended and text each other daily. Sierra hasn't really bothered me anymore, not sure if it's due to her guilt or just because she knows she doesn't have a chance with me.

I smiled and looked up at the clouds, it was snowing again just like the last time when I got the text to come back to total drama. I smiled reminiscing the moments I had with Noah.


Word count: 691

Authors note: 😭 I know I ended this series unexpectedly but it really was hard to write on especially because of my lack of motivation, I'm definitely going to write more Noco in the future but this kind of felt rushed and very unorganized. I hope this ending is good enough because I realized it would be hard to write the story once either Noah or Cody gets voted off. Clearly I wasn't planning on them winning or staying for so long because that just didn't seem right to me. I'm planning on writing an apocalypse au, possibly a danganronpa total drama au, or even Justin x Ezekiel because I've been kind of loving that ship too. Anyways I'm sorry if you're mad at how I ended this I'm kind of mad at myself too but at least it's somewhat long. Have a lovely night or afternoon or morning and peace out.

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