Chapter 5 - Girl gone psycho

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Everyone started drawing Chris's face, some good, some bad. I wasn't a very good artist but I at least attempted to draw him somewhat. He looked like he had a crooked chin that didn't line up with his face but I struggled on. I finally finished adding the stubble and went onto the ears and hair. He looked alright I think...

I finished with barely a minute left and sighed, it looked like shit. Chris and his ego would definitely deem it as a bad portrait. I looked over and saw Gwen and Noah's masterpieces of work, they obviously did a lot better than me so I was hoping they could carry our team. Chris blew his air horn again signaling us to stop drawing. "TIMES UP! let's see those beautiful drawings!" Chris said excitedly. First up was the popular team, Courtney had done an outstanding job at drawing him, it almost looked too good to be Chris. "Perfect...Woah...I want to hang this up later." Chris said with stars in his eyes. "5 points!" Chris said.

Next was Owen, his drawing looked like a five year old drew it...Chris was balding a bit too. "Excuse me!? -1 point!" Chris said enraged. Then there was Heather next, her drawing wasn't bad or good, it was average. "3.5 points!" Chris said. Then Alejandro, he drew a beautiful masterpiece, Chris looked like a god in the drawing almost, as if he were looking down on us. "Woahh...5 points!" Chris said grabbing it to save it for later. Leshawna's drawing was kind of bad, it looked like Chris was angry almost. "Ehh..It's alright 2 points!" Chris said. Justin's drawing was absolute garbage, sure he had good looks but that's all he had. "Ugh...Why do I do look like I have leprosy...1 point..." Chris said as he shuddered. Finally Trent was last to go, his drawing was pretty good but not as good as Courtney's or Alejandro's. "Hmm, I like it 4 points!"

The total for the team was 18.5, which was probably tough to beat but who knows what could happen. "Next up the Jocks!" Chris said as the jocks all stood up. Tyler went first, nervously clutching his drawing. It looked horrible but I felt bad for Tyler still. "Geez! 1 point get it away from me!" Tyler sighed and walked back to his table. Then Duncan came over, his drawing looked...good? A shocker from Duncan to be honest. "You know I really didn't expect to say this but...4 points!" Duncan smirked and went back to his area. Then Bridgette arrived, smiling as she presented an average portrait of Chris. "Hmm not too bad! 3 points." Geoff followed suit, his drawing was slightly worse than Bridgette's but not too bad. "Eh it's alright...2.5 points!"

Chris said. Then Izzy approached doing a handstand backwards as she gripped the drawing in her teeth. The drawing was an explosion, not even Chris. "What is this!? Did you even follow the prompt?? -1 point!" She crawled back giggling and making booming noises. I never understood that girl... DJ then showed his drawing, it was a cute little sketch of Chris, making him look more wholesome than he actually was. "Awww, I love it! 4 points!" Chris said beaming. Finally last from the Jock team was Eva, she grunted as she shoved her drawing onto Chris. "I thought this was supposed to be a show for people with skill." She complained. Her drawing was a poor stick figure of Chris with muscles. "While poor in skill you are the only one to recognize my true muscularity! 3 points!" Eva chuckled and went back to her area. The total for their team was 16.5, barely reaching close to the Popular team's score.

"Alright nerds! The popular team is guaranteed safety! Can you save yourselves or will you be the losing team!" Chris said enthusiastically. Beth went first up handing over a drawing that looked horrific, she made Chris have a anime like face with a pointy chin. Chris looked concerned and held the drawing with two fingers away from him. "Uhhh...Good effort Beth...1 point." Chris said worried. Beth then sighed and walked off. Gwen went up next and showed him her work of art. "Ooo impressive! Love the cheekbones! 5 points!" Chris said happily. Gwen smirked and walked away. Then Harold was next, he had drawn Chris with a superhero cape saving a girl from distress. "While the theme was a portrait of my face, I do love the heroic aspect of it! 4 points." Chris said.

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