Chapter 7- The meaning behind those words

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After waking up the next morning after Gwen had been eliminated I felt even more exhausted. She was the one person I could genuinely talk to about Noah without judgement and now she was gone. I stared at Noah as he was reading again, he always got up early in the morning to read, it was a cute habit of his. Each time he woke up Noah would be holding a new book, an impressive accomplishment for Cody's standards. Noah was probably way smarter than him, Noah would never be interested in someone so geeky and corny.

Without anyone to rely on anymore I just sat there for a while feeling numb as I stared at the bottom of the top bunk. I began to zone out and think of what Noah and I being in a relationship would look like. Would he make cute sarcastic remarks? Would he put down his book for me? The thoughts inside my mind made my face heat up so I quickly covered my face.

I let out a big sigh at my hopeless romantic personality, it's a good and bad thing at the same time. Noah then put down his book and peered at my hopeless scrawny self scrawled out on the bed that was not made. "Seems like Gwen's elimination has been on your mind huh?" Noah inquired. "Yeah...What if you're next..." I said worried as I wanted Noah to stay here. "Look Chris probably just wanted to toy around with us once, he definitely won't let Sierra run the show. I mean the man can't tolerate the girl half the time. If she does rig the votes don't worry." Noah said so calmly it made me unnerved. "I guess you may be right..Thanks for the perspective Noah." I said trying to calm down.

"Students head to the chemistry room! You have 10 minutes!" Chris blared over the speakers. "Guess we should go, let's hope we can win immunity this round." Noah said with a smile afterwards. I smiled back and we both walked towards the Chemistry lab. When we arrived we waited for everyone else. Once everyone arrived, we sat at tables for our teams. Chris was wearing safety goggles and a lab coat. "Let's hope you're good with chemicals! Today you are going to create a new chemical with these chemicals around you!

"There are no rules as to what you should grab but the team with the deadliest chemicals will win!" Chris said cackling. "Isn't this like... highly unethical and dangerous...What if we die!" Courtney said concerned. "Oh right! Here's your goggles, good luck!" Chris said as he passed out goggles and then sat at a desk smirking.

I was nervous as to what to do already as I wasn't immersed too much in chemicals. "Let me handle this I was pro at making arsenic in my biology class!" Harold said proudly. "Isn't arsenic deadly..." Beth said, worried. "To a pro like me! It's fine!" Harold said flexing his non-existent muscles. "If you say so..." Beth said, still nervous. "Look dork-a-sorus, let's take it slow here and actually try to win this challenge." Noah said annoyed by Harold's constant bragging.

"Geez man! Fine...Let's just gather some chemicals first." Harold said defeated. Harold and Noah gathered up some chemicals and put them on the desk. "We have bleach, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar." Noah stated. "God is this even worth a million bucks anymore." Noah said as he poured the chemicals into a beaker. The chemicals reacted to each other with a deadly aroma. (This is total drama logic so they can't die, sorry guys)

Everyone but Harold covered their mouth and nose. Harold started to turn a green color and looked lifeless almost. "Harold??? Are you okay." I said terrified. "Tell Leshawna...I love her..." Harold said as he dramatically choked and fell to the ground. "HAROLD!" Leshawna screamed as she ran over to him. "Baby come on! Please don't die on me! OHHH Chris you are going to pay!" Leshawna roared. "Nerd team is the first to create a deadly chemical!" Chris said.

"LESHAWNA GET OVER HERE NOW OR ELSE!" Heather roared as her hair started to fall off. "NOT AGAIN!" She screamed as she cried and ran away. Duncan then walked over to Chris and plopped down a green unknown liquid. As Chris got closer to it his stubble started to fall off. "Jock team wins immunity!" Chris says, impressed.

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