Chapter 4- I'll protect you

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It was now or never, I had to talk to Sierra and right now was the time to do it. I am always a suck up and naive enough to trust people too much. This time is different though, other people are affected and I'm upset. I walk towards Sierra who attempts to hug me but I dodge it. "Huh Cody?" Sierra said puzzled as to why I was rejecting her after what she had done. "I've had enough of you Sierra. I don't care if you're going to reveal my sexuality on tv, it was something I was going to have to open up about eventually, sure this situation isn't that great for it but still. I'm not a coward, I won't obey you Sierra!" I shoved her and ran away, scared and nervous as to what Sierra would do next.

To my surprise she didn't follow me, I was able to just go back to my room and calm down. I had never really came out to someone, I guess Gwen might count but she's supportive so it wasn't scary. I haven't even came out to my parents, I realized that I'd probably be kicked out because of that so I broke down and cried. I just wanted to be eliminated and not have to deal with Sierra anymore, maybe if he hurt himself enough he would get evacuated. No...what am I thinking, I'm so desperate to get rid of Sierra I'd do anything. I can't give her any attention, even negative. I was having a mental breakdown and screaming into my pillow. "Hey buddy you okay?" Harold asked concerned at my muffled screams. "Just girl problems." I said, trying not to give much away. "Geez dude, I get it girls are crazy sometimes." Harold said to try to comfort me. "Yeah...Crazy heh." I laughed at the trueness of what Harold said.

"If you need me to ask out a girl for you or something for you I got your back buddy." Harold said completely clueless as to what I was sobbing about. "Uh huh." I said dryly, getting tired from what happened today. I eventually passed out on my pillow, unaware of the horror that was about to unravel.

The speakers ringed, "WAKEY WAKEY STUDENTS! MEET IN THE ART ROOM IN 30 MINUTES OR ELSE YOU'LL GET A PENALTY!" Chris's obnoxious voice woke me up and made me decide to get into my clothes, still disoriented from yesterday. I had horrible eye bags under my eyes and I felt like shit. To my surprise Noah was already awake and dressed, immersed into a new book.

"Hey Noah..." I said softly, for some reason I was scared to speak with him after what happened with Sierra. "Oh hi Cody, give me a minute I need to finish up this chapter." He said as his eyes scrolled quickly through the text. It was a pause of awkward silence for a moment as I picked at my hangnail until it ripped off and bled. "Okay done. Now what is it you need?" Noah asked, assuming I wanted him for something. "Oh uhm...Nothing I just wanted to say hi, you know we're teammates and all." As I spoke my voice cracked in nervousness.

"Look buddy, there's no need to be so anxious with me, I mean have you seen me? I'm built like a twig." Noah said as he pointed to himself. "I'm sorry, my nerves have been on end because of Sierra." I said ashamed because I knew it was a weak excuse. "Look I get it, if you want to vote her off I'm on board, she's like a fly that won't go away even if you swat at it." Noah said in support for my hatred for Sierra. "So I'd be the shit? Since she's the fly?" I responded laughing.

"Hey now you're just putting words in my mouth." Noah said, trying not to crack a smile. "I guess we should go now huh? Don't want to get that penalty Chris might have set up for us." Noah said, not breaking eye contact with me, a rare thing for Noah to do. We both walked together to the Art room, somewhat struggling to find it but eventually locating it.

As we entered into the room, hundreds of copies were thrown about the room, the paper and writing looked familiar to me as I picked one up. My face went white as a ghost, I felt my soul leave my body, I was on the verge of passing out.

Everyone in the room read the paper, some reacted confused and some chuckled

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Everyone in the room read the paper, some reacted confused and some chuckled. "I thought he liked Gwen?" Tyler said, scratching his head. "Wowww, I hope he doesn't start liking me now." Duncan said mimicking himself barfing.
I knew people would react like this and Sierra would do something like this but I didn't expect to feel how I felt in this moment. I wanted to just leave, get myself eliminated and dig a hole for myself to die in. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to step outside for a second?" Noah asked, not really bothered by what was happening. "But the penalty...I have to stay here.." I muttered while sobbing. "Fuck the penalty." Noah said as he grabbed my hand and ran out with me. All eyes on us, the whole room was in shock.

Noah stopped running after a couple seconds. He then looked me in the eyes, a serious expression. "I'm not mad at you, please stop crying." He said as he held my hands to calm me down. "But...What I wrote about you was so gross and weird and...and...I hate myself for ever getting too close to you. All of this would have never happened." I said stammering through my words. Then Noah embraced me in a hug, this was a very special thing for Noah to even think of doing. "Look loser I don't give a shit about what others think and honestly I think you're a cool little dude. We can still be friends and I won't hold any grudges against you." Noah said still hugging me. His touch felt so warm and fuzzy, all of my previous emotions flooded out of my body and all I could feel was a fuzziness and tingling. "Thank you Noah...We should head back now." I said, nervous as to if everyone else was already in the room. "Yeah let's head back and beat the shit out of whoever did this to you." Noah said cracking his knuckles.

We came back, the whole room laid eyes on us as we sat down in chairs. "Do you think they made out back there?" Duncan asked mischievously. "Can it, Duncan, can't you see he's crying..." Gwen said anxious and worried. "Alright alright I will I will." Duncan said only because of what Gwen said, he was such a suck up to her.

Then across the room I saw Sierra, she looked pissed and had a knife which she used to carve something aggressively into the table. I was scared of what she'd do to me if we ever got close again, maybe she'd threaten to hurt me or someone I knew. The decision I made wasn't right or wrong but at the end of the day I needed to get rid of her. She was like a leech that latches onto you and never lets go, draining you of all your energy. Sure she was one of the few people who were attracted to me, but she was also one of the very few people who caused me so much anxiety.

Chris then entered into the room, "Glad to see everybody is here! Kind of sad I can't use my penalty though...I was going to make you write on the chalkboard 100 times, I love Chris McClean and his hot stubby chin." Chris said, bursting out in laughter. The whole room was silent. Papers still strewn about across the floor. "Oh right that weird thing that Sierra did! Gotta hand it to you Sierra, that was wild! Love it! Revealing someone's sexuality on national television is genius! We'll get all the attention now!" Chris said in support of Sierra, probably the only one who supported what she did. "I only did IT because someone broke UP with ME!" Sierra said shifting her knife back and forth through the table rapidly.

"Well whatever, I'm not cleaning up this mess so let's head onto the challenge for today." Chris said moving surprisingly fast from what just happened. "Today you are going to draw me! The team with the best overall drawings will win immunity. Each good portrait gets a point for your team and the top two teams win immunity!" Chris said, excited to get his face drawn by a handful of unhappy contestants. Everyone groaned and sighed but after a bit they all picked up their tools to draw. "You have 30 minutes now go!" Chris said as he blew an air horn that screeched loudly.

Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter and no elimination in it, I'm kind of slowly getting back into writing more for the story. I hope you enjoy it so far and what is yet to come. This chapter is short but sweet and I wasn't planning for it to come together like this but in the end it's probably better for people reading so it isn't too much of a slow burn love story. I'm planning on making up to maybe 20 chapters for this series? Not quite sure yet, all I know is that I want to make it at least 4 or 5 hours of reading content so you can enjoy this like a book. Thanks for making it this far :)

Word Count: 1,518

Summary: Cody stands up to Sierra and tells her that he is no longer sucking up to her. She is speechless as Cody leaves the room. She doesn't follow him which weirds Cody out but he's overall glad to get a break from her. Chris calls everyone to get prepared for the next challenge which is an art themed one as Noah and Cody have a moment together. They both walk out together and when they arrive to the classroom, chaos ensues. Sierra has printed hundreds of copies of his entry about Noah. This was a lot worse than Cody had imagined but it wasn't too far out of bounds for Sierra. Noah comforts Cody enough that he is able to go back. The challenge then begins.

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