Chapter 9 - No reason to back down

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Noah's POV:
After the challenge I had made sure to avoid Cody and rushed to my room. I felt like shit, after what Sierra did to me I was terrified, I really underestimated her abilities. I felt so bad for Cody and worried too, of what Sierra would do to him. I was usually the calm and cool nonchalant character but my facade was slowly cracking as I was in a vulnerable position.

I buried my head in my pillow and screamed. Fuck fuck fuck. Cody is probably in danger right now as he's emotionally unstable due to me saying all that to him. That was exactly Sierras plan, to get him vulnerable so he'd be desperate enough to cling back to her. That bitch is cunning and smart, I really do want to stand up to her but I really don't want to lose what little sanity I have left as of now.

I imagined Cody's face as of now, his sad pout as Sierras comforts him with a devious smile on her face. The thought of it makes me want to barf. I get so angry when Sierra is around Cody, more angry than I usually ever am normally. It's a weird feeling, like I want to protect him, which is a new feeling for me. I never care about others but after Cody became more close to me it seemed as though I cared about him a little bit.

It was such a hard feeling to wrap my head around as I never felt such an emotion before with many people. It felt like I had been thawed out and left to fend for myself. I had to protect him from Sierra but I was too scared of Sierra but I don't want to seem like an asshole. This situation fucking sucked and I knew I had to do something about it. I mean what could I do? March on over there and tell Sierra to fuck off so she'd try to stab my eyes out.

I sighed and decided a walk would clear my head. I needed to get used to this huge infrastructure of the school anyways. As I walked outside my room everything was quiet, not a person in sight. I decided to go to the cafeteria as it was the largest and usually most convenient to get to.

I took a bit of time to get to the cafeteria as I was anxious I'd see Cody, luckily I didn't. I then walked into the cafeteria and saw Cody passed out on the table. I became worried but was unsure if I should go near him. I decided to just sit beside him and watch him just in case Sierra was planning something.

Cody's eye bags and wrinkles from stress made me feel guilty for him. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay but I knew that would never be true. I attempted to reach out towards him and maybe pet his fluffy brown hair that was laying on the table. I stopped myself as I knew if I did he could possibly wake up. He slightly shifted his head in his sleep and drooled.

I was about to leave but all of a sudden he woke up in shock. He didn't notice me at first and started cussing himself out for falling asleep. He got up and started to leave but ran into me. He was about to say something but cut himself off and ran off. "Cody wait!" I said feeling guilty.

"No...Sierra can't see us Noah, I don't want you to get hurt more." Cody said crying. "Wait- She told you?" My lips curled in anger, she was taunting him with her control over me. I couldn't let her do that to Cody. "You know in the end nothing will ever be resolved because she'll never accept that you don't want her." I said truthfully. "You have to stand up to her now when you have me with you. Gwen already is gone, I'm probably next." I said trying to assure Cody that we needed to do something.

I grasped his hands and put them in mind as I looked into his eyes, laced with fear. "I was naive before by laying low and following by what she wanted. I see now that plan will never work in the long run. We have to do something Cody please, I don't want to see you like this any longer." I said as I squeezed his hands tighter.

He nodded his head and moved his hand to brush off his tears. "I understand Noah...You're right. After this I'm definitely getting a restraining order against her heh." Cody said laughing a bit. "Can I kiss you now? Sorry your face is so cute." I said out of pocket for myself but I couldn't hold it back anymore.

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