Chapter 3- How could you?

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(Still in Sierra's POV)
I ran to my room and slammed the door shut giggling and kicking up and down. Beth was the only one there but she was gawking at a photo of her boyfriend Brady. I sat on my bed and propped the diary on my knees, I read another excerpt that was written more recently.
(Excerpt from Cody's diary)
"Seeing Noah again has made my feelings resurface for him. It's like when you're taking ice out of the freezer, it's been the same way for a long time because you haven't touched it. Once you do touch it though, it starts to melt in your palm. That's how I feel my sense of self control has been, dwindling after looking into his eyes. I know I shouldn't publicly show affection for another man especially on tv but I just can't help it sometimes. Anyways today he smiled somewhat at me, it made my heart flutter with happiness and I hope I can have more moments like that in the future with him, if we both don't get voted off of course."

Her teeth bit into her lip more and more as she read down the passage. WHAT!? My plan to get with him was ruined, I know he wasn't too into me but my plan to make him fall in love with me is impossible now! Unless...My panicked face soon turned into a grin as I hatched up a plan to blackmail Cody. Sure I would never actually blackmail him but if I were to pretend to it would make him like me! I'd tell him I found out about his secret about liking Noah and say I would tell everyone this information if he doesn't date me and start hating Noah! I'm a genius! Yes! Now when should I tell him about this...

(Switch back to Cody's POV)
I awoke to Chris's voice yelling through loudspeakers that were hooked up all across the school. "GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!!! HEAD TO THE GYM FOR YOUR FIRST CHALLENGE!" Oh god...Not an athletic challenge, I was doomed for. I nervously rushed to the gym, following my other teammates. As I headed into the Gym everyone else was continuing to file in so I sat on the bleachers by myself. I swung my legs back and forth, bored as I continued waiting until I heard a screech. "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE A PSYCHO!?" The sharp retort came from the girl with now shorter black hair that was tied up in a ponytail barely gathering the small amount of hair that was somehow grown so fast. Heather had gotten into a fight with Leshawna once again and it seems that they had gotten a bit too into it. "OHHH NO GIRL YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG GIRL ON THE WRONG DAY!" Leshawna roared as she cracked her knuckles and tightened her ponytail, preparing for action. "As much as I love the drama ladies we still have a challenge we need to do and I'm sure your team wouldn't want to lose another member." Chris said slyly reminding them they were still in a game where the prize was a million bucks. Speaking of losing a member, I noticed the popular team was now lacking Lindsay, the beautiful blonde. People are already dropping in this game like flies, I felt my nerves rise and gripped my pants.

A hand touched my shoulder causing me to flinch and get into attack mode. "Jesus dude- Are you alright?" Noah responded taken aback by my sudden movements. "Sorry, just a force of habit..." I said slumping my shoulders down ashamed of what a nervous wreck I had become. "Hey it's alright, I can be a nervous mess but I'm really good at hiding it. What's on tv is only what those people see and think, so if you act like a different more appealing character people will love it without knowing the real you." Noah responded in such a way it made me feel sad, the relatability of having to mask my true colors to appeal more to the tv viewers was a shared factor between the both of us. "Thanks dude." I beamed and grinned at Noah who seemed perplexed at my sudden gratitude. "Look it's nothing man just stating the facts." He said coldly now acting a little different than earlier as if he was closing himself off again.

"Alright students! Today... Is a spelling bee! Pffff the look on your faces! You thought this was an athletic challenge but it's a nerdy challenge!" Chris chuckled at himself while the room remained so quiet you could hear a cricket chirp. "Anyways... Here's the rules, one by one I will select a player from different teams each time. The words will begin off easy and then get more hard each round, the last two remaining teams will win immunity and a box filled with encouragements from family from home. So let's get spelling!" After his long speech, Chris clicked a button and a stage revealed the bleachers with a circle in the middle of the stage, seemingly for the speller. Then I looked above the circle and saw a clear box filled with bees and my stomach went into knots. "Of course I wasn't going easy on you guys! Those who fail to spell the word correctly not only get sent to the bleachers but stung by bees!" Chris cackled as he put his hands together menacingly rubbing them. We all headed towards the stage and waited for Chris to start the challenge, everyone anxiously waiting for the pain they would experience.

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