Chapter 8 - Actions speak more than words

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After what had happened yesterday with Noah, I was now just ready to hide into a hole and leave this show forever. I was so embarrassed and scared of what was to come. Just what did Sierra do to make him say that, did she even say anything? Am I just so unlikable that anyone who gets close to me leaves? I started to freak out and almost have a panic attack as I hyperventilated back and forth. I screamed into my pillow and cried.

Chris had yelled over the speakers that the next challenge was about to start but I was too defeated to even attempt to go and had to be dragged out of the bed by Harold. After a while I slowly walked towards the room where the challenge was. I slumped into a seat defeated and looked like shit. Trent looked over at me, worried as I looked terrible unlike yesterday.

Chris had told us that he was already running out of ideas so he decided to make us do a test and the teams that got the highest average would win immunity. I was already so tired but this had made me even more tired. I slowly went through the test, not even caring that Chris had only given us 30 minutes to complete a 50 question test.

I finished with seconds to spare and laid my head on top of my desk in defeat. My head ached and some of my tears had got onto my paper. "EVERYONE TURN YOUR PAPERS IN NOW!!!" Chris said, enthusiastically. "Chef will grade your papers now." Chris said handing Chef a huge stack of papers as Chef glared at him. Chef then put on his glasses and began to work quite quickly. After only 5 minutes Chef had finished and handed the tests back to Chris. "Wow! That was fast, thanks Chef!" Chris said as Chef continued to glare at him. "I better get paid extra for that." Chef said coldly.

"Yeah whatever, let's look over the tests now! We have team jock starting off with Duncan! Who just drew skulls over almost all the questions....15%!" Chris said in shock. "Heh. Better than my average most times." Duncan said cracking his knuckles. "Then we have Tyler! With a 45%!" Chris said, still in shock. "Aw man...I really thought I'd do better.." Tyler said sighing. "The jocks better pick up their scores or they're on the block!" Chris said taunting them. "We have Bridgette with a 70%! Not bad!" Chris said starting to get relieved that some people on the team were actually somewhat trying.

Bridgette looked proud as the highest scorer so far which really wasn't a good thing for their team. "Geoff with a 50%!" Chris said. "Look dude partying is way cooler than learning and learning just you know...hurts the brain which is so not cool man." Geoff said in a nonchalant voice. "Alright and last but not least we have DJ with a 95%! Way to go DJ!" Chris said impressed. "My mama makes me study every single night for 3 hours, I can't slip up on my knowledge! She says smart boys impress the ladies the most." DJ said happy about his score.

"That leaves the jocks with an average of 55...Probably very easy to beat but who knows!" Chris said concerned.

"Next up is the popular team! Now let's see who's more brawn than brains!" Chris chuckled. "First we have Courtney with a 98%!" Chris said impressed. "Huh!? I thought I aced it...Ugh my mom is going to be so embarrassed watching this! I swear I'll do better next time." Courtney said panicking. "Okay whatever...Next is Alejandro! With a 100%!?" Chris said shocked. "That test was child's play, I could have finished it in 15 minutes." Alejandro said bragging. "Next up Trent with a 80%! Things aren't looking too good for the Jocks." Chris said, still impressed by the constant high scores.

"Next is Justin with a...10%!" Chris said as he then bursted out into laughter. "As I've said before learning is gross, my face muscles don't need that amount of stress." Justin said proceeding to do a hair flip. Courtney glared at Justin, annoyed that her efforts were dulled down because of him. "Next Leshawna with a 60%! Not too bad..." Chris said. Leshawna rolled her eyes and scoffed at her score. "That means their average is...! 70%! Unless the nerds fail horrifically then that means the Jocks are on ice again!" Chris stated.

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