Chapter One

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Friday. 715 PM

I fix my black rimmed glasses on my face for the umpteenth time in the last 15 minutes, squinting at my computer sitting on my lap. I really think it's time for a break, but I'm so stubborn I can't stand it. I keep looking at the chemistry equation as if magically staring at it is going to make it solve itself.

"Who the hell thought having chemistry be a required course was a good idea. Ugh!!"

I close my laptop, tossing it to the side next to me on the sofa, pushing my legs out and stretching for the first time in hours. I lift my arms up and feel that good, satisfying pop, and I close my eyes, sighing in relief. Though I hate the thought of this particular class online, it's much more convenient than going in person to Redgrave University, which leaves my schedule a little more flexible for working the late shift at my job as a coffee barista. And, it just lets me be a complete potato. Being able to wear my yogis with any kind of pull over sweater is always the best.

As I lift myself to stand, I twirl around my coffee table, choosing to keep twirling to my little L shaped utility kitchen as if I'm dancing again on stage. My ash blond bangs, the two unruly thick pieces of hair, bounce with the motions until I stop, choosing to poise with my right leg extended back, my left leg holding me up steady. I lean down and extend my hands as if I'm holding the position right before the music crescendos for me to transition to the next set.

I wish I could dance again...

I look at the metallic appliance in which I can see my distorted reflection, but observe my form is on point. If only I hadn't sustained that leg injury, I could have possibly taken my love for being a ballerina on a more professional scope. Though I did recover, I think I've held myself back because I'm afraid of failing like that again. Plus, it may be better to just keep what you love as is versus making it your full time job. Then again, I wouldn't be studying to become a nurse if I didn't love taking care of people.

I let out a gentle sigh as I lift myself to stand normally, going to the fridge to grab some water.

"But if I'm going to make it through the night with Professor McPherson's lessons, a pot of coffee may be in order."

I murmur to myself as I pour myself a glass of water, turning my light green eyes to my look over my little studio apartment. The little kitchen is nestled in the corner by the front door and directly next to it, past the counter and sink, is the living room with a small tv on a little put together tv stand from ikea. The deep red loveseat couch I've had forever was a donation from my best friend Freyja, which is complimented by the red sheer curtains for the massive windows overlooking the beautiful city. It pays to be on the top floor of this apartment complex for such a sight. I also love that the bathroom is in my bedroom so it's away from the common area, not that anyone really comes to visit anyway. It's better that way, keeping the little space for my own private world. Maybe taking a bath might help my wandering mind...

As I ponder the thought, leaning against the counter with my cup in hand, my phone rings from across the room, causing me to jump. I quickly walk over and lean down, looking at the bright smiling face staring back at me, with the notification of a FaceTime request from Freyja.

I swipe to answer and immediately know why she's calling. I give her a teasing expression with my eyes, my lips curling into a smirk.
I can see she's in her room, in the dimly lit space, her brown tight curls more disheveled than they normally are. Her amber eyes glint with excitement as she rushes to speak.

"Cali, pleaaaaaaaase."

I roll my eyes, putting my hand on my hip, as I keep my smile, but want to put the front that I'm not going to give in.

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