Chapter Seven

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The sound of raucous laughter fills the entire room as Dante tells a tall tale with all the appropriate comedic timing and punchlines. I find myself unable to stop laughing as he continues, punching his twin brother on the shoulder, who I've also just found out is Nero's father today. I feel Nero's arm around my waist as we sit in the grand living room of Paradise Manor, the large bay windows bringing in the setting sun. He gives me a gentle squeeze and I glance at him, offering a tender kiss to his forehead and a chaste kiss to his lips. I can see the affection and appreciation in his gaze that makes my heart flutter. His usual serious demeanor has lifted slightly since we came, being surrounded by his family and friends softening him a touch.
After the events of yesterday, laughing this much has been such a welcome change. I stayed against Nero the entire night, cocooned in his arms, waking up periodically to make sure he was there. Since the whole ordeal, I feel like it's only made my affection and devotion to him stronger.

I look over to Dante and feel a deep fondness for the older male. He's been like a father to Nero over the last few years and I can definitely see their similarities in personalities and mannerisms. Though Nero's father holds more a physical resemblance to him, his jawline and overall facial anatomy, the connection between the two of them is very superficial. Nero was more pressed for me to meet Dante in hopes we would get along more as well with his stunning wife Lapis. She has such an unearthly beauty to her that it's almost like watching a gorgeous watercolor painting in constant motion. My eyes catch sight of her gracefully entering the living room with cake for everyone, sporting a beautiful baby belly in her sheer dress.

I touch over my heart and gasp to myself in fondness as I see Dante's hand lovingly caress her bump as she places his piece beside him and he kneels suddenly in the middle of his story to place his face near her baby belly, and snuggle against it.

She giggles musically as she caresses his hair, fondly smiling at him. Though she speaks in a chiding tone, it's definitely not serious.

"The baby doesn't want to hear about how you got out of this sticky situation. She doesn't need to hear about the coin flipping demon of chance, you know."

He kisses her belly, nuzzling his nose against it. My heart feels that tingling from yesterday at the thought of having this all with Nero. I honestly don't want to rush anything, but I can't wait.

"Yeah, but she loves the sound of her daddy's voice, don't ya little one?"

We all laugh as he then continues the story, ending with a very cliche, almost like a fortune cookie line.

"And the moral of the story is some people like to give advice, but not follow their own. If that demon wouldn't have gotten all tripped up, he would have won. But it's always so satisfying to dupe a baddie."

Dante shrugs with a smile as he now sits with Lapis on his lap, his brother with the most serious expression next to him, and across from us. To the left sits Lady, Nico, and a vibrant woman by the name of Trish. We all sing happy birthday to the twin brothers, eat some birthday cake, and relax until Dante suggests a shooting range game outside. Lady is already halfway out the door, muttering something about wiping the floor with their asses, followed by Trish and Nico. Vergil shakes his head slightly, muttering in his curt tone, "You know I find firearms to be a disrespect to true sword play."

Dante slaps his brother's shoulder, which I see Vergil looks deeply annoyed by through his expressive eyes, as he says, "then make yourself useful and help Lapis lift the heavy stuff."

Nero lifts our clasped, held hands to his lips as he speaks, which brings my attention back to his handsome face. He tilts his head, a playful glint in his eye and a small smirk dancing across his lips.

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