Chapter Five

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The melodic bird song and subtle rays of sunshine are what wake me now in the earlier morning. My eyes flutter open and I feel the protective hold of Nero's strong arms wrapped around my body as I act as a little spoon to our cuddling. By the gentle labored breaths I hear, he's still asleep and that creates a soft smile on my face as I recall the passion and confession of last night. I touch my lips, closing my eyes for a brief pause, my mind rapidly cycling through each moment as if I'm there once more. I exhale slowly, being hyper aware of the heat rising from my pelvis to my abdomen, my heart thrumming powerfully, but gently in my chest. How did I get so lucky to have found Nero when I least expected it? How did I get even luckier to have him reciprocate my feelings in completion?

I recall his lips dancing with mine as if they'd done it countless times before. I recall the way his hands explored each valley of my body, claiming ownership with each caress, grip, and rub. I recall the way our eyes connected in heated gaze, the windows to our souls being clearer than the sky on a cloudless day. Yet, out of all of that, I remember the way he spoke of the other side of himself, the one he covers up with sarcastic witty remarks and a rough demeanor. The fact he hunts demons, is partially one, and has been scorned by many people because of it, including the one he trusted the most. He even willingly turned his back on his own humanity for her, though not expecting anything in return, and lost in the end. My heart squeezes at the thought of him in pain, lost, striving to find his purpose in the world along and outside of being just a hunter with phenomenal marksmanship and blade dance.

I open my eyes, watching a little bird hop close to another, their body language meshing together as if they are lovers or potential mates. Then, the one bird takes flight, singing, and the other follows without looking back to the branch they left behind. I think of how being isolated in this world without one thing to love can leave a hole that can only get bigger. What do you fill with that hole? Of course love isn't the only thing to make the world go round, but it plays a huge part of it for a lot of people. To have someone you can call home, to have someone to push for, to strive for... that's what I will do for Nero. I will show him and continue to prove that he is not some monster just because his genes tell him he can become "one" and what people fear, people push away.

I opt to slide out of his grip slowly, so as to not wake him, turning onto my side to face him. My God he is so handsome, like a walking Adonis in the flesh. My delicate fingers gently run through his hair and down his chin line, grazing over the most subtle scars I noticed when we went out to dinner at Heavyn on our first date. I trail my fingers across his lips before trailing down to his arms. I frown as I notice a slight, but prominent scar at his right arm crook. As I lean down to kiss that spot, I feel his opposite arm's hand touch my hair, his fingers caressing my hair. I hear him chuckle, his morning voice causing that burning from my abdomen to resurface.

"What are you doing, beautiful?"

I trail my lips up to his shoulder and finally when at his collarbone, I murmur against his flesh.

"Loving my man and taking him in during the wee hours of the morning."

I can feel him shudder under the warmth of my breath in that particular spot and I now take advantage to mount him, straddling his hips with my own. I take his hands, lacing our fingers and lift his left hand to my lips kissing the back of his hand. His grey-blue eyes look at me with ardency and I roll my hips gently against him before leaning down and offering him a loving kiss. Our breathing becomes heavier as we join as one. Though a stark contrast from last night's lust, desperation, and passion, today is a more deliberate, loving, sensual love making.

With each thrust, he whispers "I love you" and I whimper into his shoulder, taking it all in. I whisper against his skin his name, each time getting more whispered, as we rise to a climax together. When we do, he holds my hips to his, further deepening himself and connecting us as close as we can get. I remain against him, taking in the sensation of his skin, listening to his heart, and feeling him run his fingers up and down my back. He speaks suddenly, his tone taking a tenderness.

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