Chapter Three.Five

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Nero - Before.

I should have just kissed her.

That's what my body was screaming to do as I stood merely inches away, smelling the sweet scent of roses coming off of her. The way her delicate lips pursed at me as I neared, the look of her soft green eyes, and how her hands flexed in anticipation, I could tell she was thinking the same thing. I told myself when Kyrie broke up with me, I would just forgo any kind of connection with a female again. Extreme, I know, but I didn't want to think about being with another girl. There could be no girl perfect or demure like Kyrie.

But then Nico kept bitching about wanting coffee that night and when we walked into the only coffee shop open at 2 AM, it was like the whole world stood still. Calypso was the only thing I could see, her smile radiant like the sunshine at high noon, a beacon to my lost spirit in the darkness. I sound like a fucking weirdo because who the hell thinks like that with just first laying eyes on a person, but damn it, she really is beautiful.

And when she opened her mouth to speak, her voice was sweet to the ears. I really admired how she spoke her thoughts adamantly, even if she was a little nervous doing so. The way her eyes shyly looked my way also piqued my fancy. I realize I definitely have a type and she matches a majority of my preferences. But, it's not to say I compare her to Kyrie, no. It's to say she just meets my desires for a mate. It was only solidified when I took her out to dinner. She was playful, honest, caring, funny, and somewhat anxious.

Her mannerisms made me feel like I could open up to her because of her sincerity. I may not have been over Kyrie a few days ago, despite it being months to dwell about it, yet tonight hammered it in that this girl, Calypso, means something to me. Even if it is just beginning, I want to keep getting to know her and see what's inside that mysterious brain of hers.

I groan in frustration now as I have my feet on the dashboard of the Devil May Cry van, my hands over my eyes. Of all fucking nights to have to get called in for backup. It better be something big to make it worth my time. Nico's singing is also grating at my nerves because she's singing badly on purpose, smoking her cigarette even though I tell her again and again to not smoke in the van. At least she has the window cracked open.

"Something on yer mind, Nero?" She asks with a teasing tone. "It looked like you and Cali were having a good time tonight~"

My mind thinks back to our slow dance and I feel my lips curl into a smile. The way her eyes shone when talking about her history with dancing was really cute. That's also the first time I've willingly let anyone touch me, outside of Kyrie, in such an intimate manner. But with Calypso, it just comes naturally. It's just something about her. My mind then conjures up the way her lips looked again in the contrasting sky and I really feel like an idiot for just not going with what I physically desired to do.

"It was a good time... hey Nico, you knew, didn't you?"

"Mmm, what's that?"

I peek over to her as she holds her cigarette between her lips, making a sharp left turn that jerks me around. I grimace at her as I sit up straight now, reaching down to grab the Blue Rose.

"You knew she was just the kind of thing I needed."

Nico laughs, looking over at me with a coy smile. But I can tell she means what she says seriously.

"I was tired of seeing you so sad, Nero. I know you and Kyrie had been together a long time, but when she left ya, it really changed you. I can't control how you feel or nuthin' but when I saw that girl one day getting coffee after a mission, I was like 'hot damn, she's cute and sweet!' So, I took a chance on that. PLUS~," she says with a little snicker, causing me to roll my eyes, but smile internally, "if you didn't take her, I would. She's really nice."

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