Chapter Two

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Saturday. 1558.

Freyja's voice is louder than a shrieking banshee as I see her jump up and down on FaceTime, her amber eyes huge like saucers, her brown curls bouncing vigorously. She hasn't stopped squealing and asking me for as many details as possible about my encounter with Nero and Nico. I smile softly thinking about the messages I received earlier from Nero. I can definitely tell he's of a firm personality with an innate warmth.

1535 Me : I really don't understand why the first thing I do when I wake up is think about my chemistry homework.

Me: oh! And good morning? Afternoon? Hehe.

Nero: the name's bond, hydrogen bond.

Nero: Get it?

Me: *laughing face emoji*

Nero: man I suck at jokes but I tried. Hope you slept well. It's definitely a loud Saturday.

Nero: oh and hey, not to be a creep or anything, but did you want to get a bite to eat tonight? Get some ice cream after? Help with the whole getting to know one another thing.

Me: That's not creepy at all! I'm down! Just let me know where you want to go and I'll be there. 530 pm?

After exchanging some more texts and smoothing out the details, my heart began to slam in my chest like a drum, I ran to get up and get ready. How the heck did I leave myself with little time?

"I am so glad I gave you my shift!!!! Now you met a super hottie and are going out with him today?!!"

I hold up a floral dress against myself and compare it to a plain light green dress. I have my hair in tousled loose curls with a light touch of subtle eye makeup to make my green eyes pop. It's not a date-date, just a get to know one another friend date. I feel like him and I are in the same boat, right? Just need a new friend.

"It's not a date though, Frey. Just a friendly dinner."

"Friendly dinner my ass. That guy would be crazy to think otherwise about you."

I roll my eyes as I gesture to her to help me pick, feeling restless. I don't want to be late. And I would be lying if I didn't admit I was a little excited. Freyja touches her cheek for a moment before squealing.

"Do the plain green one. It's simple, elegant, and shows your shoulders off more. Dab some glisten on those shoulders. Also, wear those shoes I got you. The white ones."

I nod, hastily running off camera, to slip into the dress. I remove my strap bra in favor of a strapless white push-up and change my panties in favor of something seamless. As I wiggle into the dress and come back into view, Freyja does a wolf whistle.

"Babe you are gonna kill it. Share your location just in case he's a creep and Henry and I will come get you. We will shut it down."

I laugh jovially, shaking my head, while I slip on my shoes. Thinking of Nero, I don't get that kind of creeper vibe. Again, it's the guarded, deep type I feel more so.

"I definitely will."

"And keep me posted. Let him touch your butt a little to lock it in."

"Stop, oh my god, okay, bye. Kisses."



As I step into the bar-lounge Heavyn, I take a deep breath, closing my eyes for a brief moment. This is the first time I've gone out on a date of any kind since Dorian and it hits me more and more how nervous I am. But, steeling my nerves and resolving like a smithy with their blades, I enter the dimly lit establishment, welcomed by the ambient music and sound. My eyes scan the area and when I catch sight of Nero, my breath hitches.

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