Chapter Six.Five

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When I felt the carriage jerk to a sudden stop and my head snapped to see what the hold up was, I felt my blood instantly boil. I could see the awkward movements of the Scarecrows just a few feet away, which is why the horse was scared to go forward. When I caught a glimpse of the concern in Calypso's face, it sprung me into immediate action. 4 civilians, a horse, 2 combat oriented people, and myself. I stand up, putting my hand on Calypso to say it's going to be okay, and I put my hand over Blue Rose quickly going over a battle formation.

I have to charge in and take their attention because I'm the more arrogant and flashy show they will immediately barrel to. Lady can stay behind to guard the cart with her sharp shooting skills. And I won't be far if I need to circle back. Anything to keep her safe. I nod to myself, my eyes looking to Lady who already picks up what I'm putting down. I exhale a frustrated breath, but keep myself calm and collected. She needs a man who can back up their talk. She needs to feel secure, even when there is chaos, that I won't let her fall.

"Calypso, I need you to do me a favor," I position myself in front of her to shield her from seeing the Scarecrows ambling towards us, my eyes narrowed on their stupid figures, "please don't leave this cart, please listen to what I say, and if there's trouble near you, you call to me. I'm going to keep you all safe. It looks like there's still some pests I need to get rid of."

I turn my head and I can see her chewing on her lip anxiously. I offer her a small smile as I listen to her speak, her voice trembling ever so slight.

"I love you, Nero. Please be safe."

"Always. I love you, beautiful."

I don't hesitate to jump off the side, quick to end this. I whistle like I'm calling a pack of dogs, a cocky expression on my face. First they ruined my first date with her and now they're intruding on another good time. When will they know enough is enough?

"Hey, assholes! Ready to dance? Don't have much time to play today but I need to make it quick!"

I shoot at one of them, while grabbing another by its contorted face and ramming it into the ground. I grunt in frustration as I use the one I've just laid out as a weapon, throwing it against a few newcomers to the party. Without looking, I hit another target with a swift shot, glancing back to the cart to make sure everything is still okay.

I see Calypso's eyes following my movements and though I would have preferred her not to see these demons, the way she is looking at me stills the rage in my soul for just a moment. The way her plush lips are slightly parted as she stands holding the necklace I gave her in her hands makes me smile internally. She looks so precious, demure, and almost fragile. That is the very reason I want to end this quickly.

As I keep doing footwork, just about done with the cleanup, my ears pick up Calypso's voice calling out in terror to me. I glance up and see one of the stragglers lunging for her as she holds the little girl from earlier in her arms, shielding her from the intended assault. I grit my teeth and in a quick thought, I pick up one of the limp bodies I just finished sending to oblivion, tossing it with high velocity to crash into the demon, sending it flying off the back of the cart.

"Don't you dare think you can touch her! You won't even know your name when I'm done with you!"

As I call out, my tone soaked in anger and irritation, I feel every muscle in my body as I sprint towards her. I notice Lady to my right take a direct shot at the scarecrow, and the bullet ricochets off the foot blade. As I near, I aim my fist through its chest, taking its life as quick as it came. I wipe my hands on my pants to get most of the grime off, wanting to return to her side as quickly as possible. I turn and jump onto the carriage-cart and kneel to Calypso whose eyes remain clenched shut. I turn and glare at the young man named Shannon, spitting out an insult in aggression.

"Nice work, point dexter." I see him flinch but he looks away for a moment before speaking. I know it was ill placed but I really don't care. When he finds the voice to speak again, I feel very annoyed.

"T-thanks so m-much, Nero. I realize you were part of that incident that happened in Fortuna a few years back, weren't you?"

I roll my eyes, resisting the urge to sneer. Instead, I give a sarcastic smile to him as my hands run over Calypso's back gently, wanting to focus more on her than anything else. I can feel her trembling underneath my touch and it pains me to know she was feeling any fear. The little voice in the back of my mind that's been a constant haunting over the last few months threatens to break to the surface, the subtle chant in Kyrie's voice piercing my mind.

I just can't live my life like this any more Nero. I can't spend sleepless nights wondering if you'll come back. I need something more stable. I need that consistency.

I grit my teeth, closing my eyes for a brief moment, knowing that it's not my fault that she felt that way. I chose this path to protect those who can't protect themselves. I chose this path because I didn't care about my own life and if I died, great. But now, with holding Calypso's heart in my hands, it makes me stronger. I will not die. I will not lose. As long as I have her to protect and hopefully, our children someday, nothing can stop me from breaking through my own expectations and gaining more strength.

I shatter that nagging thought of Kyrie's doubt and shrug it off. I get to choose and I choose to love and trust Calypso's words from her promise the night prior. I'm not owning that negativity any longer.

My focus comes back to the present and I snort in frustration at the kid asking me all these questions about shit that isn't relevant right now. What matters is taking care of my lady. I roll my eyes to him and give him a death stare, which causes him to shut the fuck up.

"Yeah, I was. Get in line to talk about it. Don't really care right now."

As I turn my attention back to Calypso, I see her wide green eyes looking at me with an unreadable expression. I see the tears staining her face and I feel a pang of guilt punch me in the chest. As I open my mouth to speak, I try to sound confident but feel myself losing it to her expression.

"Are you okay? You didn't get hurt anywhere did you? Calypso-"

My eyes widen in shock as she throws herself into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly. I feel her sobbing into my chest and my arms instinctively wrap around her, my lips kissing her hair. I make out the words in between sniffles and hiccups and it makes me feel the best I've felt in a long time.

"All I could think about is if something bad happened to you, what could I do? Nero, I'm so glad you're here and alright. That's all that matters to me. And of course, keeping the little one safe."

I stroke her hair lovingly, kissing upon her forehead as I tilt her head up.

"I promised I would always come home. We're okay, beautiful. We always will be."

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