Chapter Four

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Rough hands run up her spine as they exchange desperate kisses, the sound of their heavy breathing filling the air. His fingers dig into her back as she bites his lower lip, her own delicate hands pressed against his face, cupping his cheeks lovingly. She gets the reaction she was looking for when he lets out a low growl. Breathlessly, she offers a gentler kiss to his swollen lip before trailing her lips down his jaw. His hands move down her back to her hips, where he grasps tightly, grinding their clothed bodies together in a deep friction. That elicits the groan he was looking for and does it again to hear the sweet sound of her. She leans up, her eyes locking with his, as she offers a passionate kiss, never breaking eye contact. The most vibrant thing out of the sense of feeling, hearing, and tasting is the sight of his ardent grey-blue eyes.

As their lips continue to meld together, the scene bleeds into a vehement, hot exchange of naked skin against skin. Their hands are intertwined as she bounces up and down atop of him, her hips rolling to maximize the erotic rapture between them. She grips his hands tightly as she throws her head back in a cry of pleasure, only serving to inspire his returned thrusts to go faster.

Eventually, their hands break hold, yet instead of losing closeness, it is only deepened by his arms pulling her flush to his chest. Their lips meet in a heated exchange and following, he moves her to allow his mouth to encompass her breast. They never break their sexual connection, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh only heightening.

As her coil builds up, coming close to her luscious release, the searing feeling of his fingers against her back only heighten the high that comes. Her cries are breathless and aching as she calls out his name over and over, as a personal invocation, continuing to slam her hips in a pleasure state.

"Nero... Nero..."

Then my eyes snap open at the sound of my phone going off, breaking me from my fantasy. My face is consumed in a deep blush and I am breathing heavily. My entire body is hot and I throw off my blankets in an attempt to have the cool bedroom air kiss away the heat. The contrast only serves to make it worse as I vividly recall the way he was looking at me in my dream, incensed with feral desire. I bite my lip hard, reaching over to silence my phone, noting the time of 2 pm. I slam myself back against my pillows, exhaling sharply. The noise of the outside fills my ears in the otherwise silent state of my mind, but it's not enough to take away my distracted mind from replaying the dream.

I feel myself becoming very hot and stimulated through my entire body, my skin feeling sensitive to touch. I sigh out of frustration, feeling every movement I make against the bedsheets. It only serves to make me more exasperated. I cover my face with my hands, squealing to let out my stress.

There is no way in hell I'm going to be able to look at him when I see him without thinking about this. And we're supposed to spend the entire weekend together? How am I going to survive?

I hear my phone buzz on the side table and reach over to grab it. As soon as I see the name, my face becomes flushed once more. What impeccable timing.

Nero: Hey sleeping beauty, whenever you read this when you get up, give me a ring. It's about the plans for the weekend.

I exhale, debating on calling him now or giving myself a few minutes. Hearing his voice right away may make me feel worse, in the best way possible. I decide to take a quick shower first to wash away the sweat and stimulation from my body. As I place my phone down on the bathroom counter, tossing my clothes to the side hastily, I turn on the knobs of the shower to become hotter initially so it causes steam to build up fast. I step into the porcelain, old school lion foot bathtub, closing the see through shower curtain.

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