Chapter Nine

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I peer over Calypso's sleeping figure as she snuggles into her pillow, sighing sweetly in her rest. I've been rubbing her back to help soothe her to sleep over the last hour. It took her a long time to go to sleep after the events of today and I know she will probably keep getting up through the night to make sure we are both okay. I take this moment to get out of bed slowly and make my way downstairs to clean up the mess that damn vampiric creature caused. I am thankful Vergil was able to come to help me take care of him at the end. I know Dante would have come if I had called him, but I didn't want to stop him from enjoying his newborn daughter.

I recall the anger I felt the moment I burst through the door, reflecting on how I didn't think twice to clock that cocky mother fucker in his face. I've only felt that kind of deep seeded anger and fleeting powerlessness one other time in my life. It was the day Credo died and Kyrie was captured out of my reach.

I shake my head, reflecting on the look in Calypso's eyes as she kissed me after all was said and done earlier. She didn't hold contempt, she didn't hold disgust, she didn't hold fear. She held love in endless reserves and relief. I feel that I'm finally where I'm meant to be and despite that entire situation, I know we can face anything that comes at us. I just wish she would be more careful with her motormouth. I shudder to think if I had arrived a second later.

As I hit the bottom step, my eyes shift to the front door opening and closing, Vergil entering with a stoic expression. He locks the door and as he turns back to me, I'm unsure what to say. I've never had the time to really discuss much with him and the whole father son dynamic being more like two colleagues that co-exist. I exhale the breath I didn't realize I was holding as I card a hand through my short hair. Vergil approaches, surveying the room with a brief look, and he stares with an initially unamused expression.

When he speaks, it's his usual flat tone, but I can sense something within his words.

"All taken care of with that foul smelling vampire. He won't be able to leave the crypt I've buried him in. So, it seems like you may need help with repairs?"

I smirk, appreciating the fact that Dorian will never be able to bother Calypso or any other living being again. I nod briefly to his question, kneeling to pick up the scattered ornaments and tree decor, putting them into the box next to it. Vergil moves to help with other odds and ends, making brief small talk as we clean up the floor and wall. Eventually, I narrow my gaze and stare at my father, wondering what it is he wants to say but isn't.

Never having been one to pull my punches or mind my tongue, I clear my throat, catching his attention.

"What's on your mind, man? Cat snatched your tongue? You never hold your shit in."
He chuckles, taking a knee, staring at me with the same colored eyes as my own. They become a very small hint softer in expression which is shocking because I've never seen that look aimed at me. He clears his throat and when he speaks, I feel this is the first time he's actually tried to be a father since the whole reveal a few years back.

"The strength you demonstrated today in place of another was quite a force to observe. I once told you that without strength and power, what could you do with your own hands? That you could change nothing. Here you are, surpassing your father in a testament of might. You've taken that feeling of previously perceived inferiority and broke into your own manner of strength and command."

I stare at him, feeling dumbfounded. Did he just compliment me and sorta praise me at the same time? He continues and I feel like the world stands still as he smiles at me. The smile actually looks genuine. I'm surprised his face doesn't crack with the gesture because of how much a stick up the ass he usually is.

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