Chapter Three

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As I lean down to stretch my body against my leg, sitting with my legs spread on my bedroom floor, I rest my head against my leg as I recall the feeling of watching Nero run off to go to work. I close my eyes and laugh to myself, trying not to think too much into it.

After Nero walked me to the foyer of my apartment complex, I stood with my hands clasped in front of me, looking at him from under my lashes. I was feeling sad that he had to go, because I didn't want the night to end, but really glad I let him walk me home. I recall his hand moving an unruly curl of mine behind my ear, his fingers lingering a touch too long, but I didn't pull away or call attention to it. His eyes were focused on my face as he spoke softly to me. Though his lips weren't curved in a smile, the more serious expression resting on his handsome features made it more tender.

"Sorry about this. Thanks for coming out tonight. I had a lot of fun though. I'll call you later."

Though we said this was to get to know one another as friends, though I said to myself and all who asked me that this was just to make a friend, I really wanted him to kiss me goodnight. I nodded and hummed a positive response. As he stepped a tad closer, my heart racing in anticipation, the loud horn of a vehicle snapped me out of my dazed state. It caused me to step back, offering to him instead a toothy smile.

"Be safe, Nero. Thank you for walking me home."

I gave him a small wave as his eyes lingered on me for a moment too long before running off to his work van. Nico leaned down from the driver's seat, letting out a wolf howl followed by a big grin.

"Looking good there, Cali. Have a good night sweetie. Get up there safely now."

I fondly recall Nero looking over at me, a small smile on his lips, before they took off, leaving me alone in the quiet night of the city.

As I lift now, stretching to the other side, I hear my phone going off. I stretch over and answer the call, being bombarded with Freyja's excitement and nagging. I giggle to myself as I stretch down the middle now, lifting myself up ever slight. I sent her one of the pictures from tonight right as I got down to stretch. I should have known even if she is at work, she can't pass up to hound me for details. As I explain how the night went, up until the end, I hear something drop in the background.

"And why didn't you kiss him before he left?! Oh my god it sounds like he's totally into you."

I can hear Freyja moving around as she sets up the coffee stand for the night shift and I know Henry is in the background listening. I let out a gentle laugh as I begin to stretch my arms, the feeling relieving the tension in my body. I look at my full body mirror, being greeted with wet wavy hair and a tired, but happy expression.

"Because it's not like that, Frey."

"¿De qué clase de tonterías estás hablando? Insistió en acompañarte a casa ¡Comportamiento de caballero!" (What kind of nonsense are you talking about? He insisted on walking you home. Gentleman behavior!)

I hear Henry barking in Spanish followed by a loud laugh. Though I can't speak it, being around him has taught me to pick up on inflection. I think back to Nero's gentle expression as he walked me to my apartment foyer. It was almost as if he didn't really want to leave.

I wonder if he felt it too?

Freyja and Henry's voices bring me back to the present and I lift to stand, bringing my phone with me and tossing it onto my bed. I begin to lift my body as if I'm practicing my dance routine, pliéing slowly and deliberately.

"Cali, he's going to text you tonight and you are going to spend the whole night talking to him, bet." Freyja speaks hurriedly and I can tell she's going to go soon. "Plus, you guys look so damn cute together. That look he was giving you in the picture says it all."

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