Chapter Six

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I tilt my head back in laughter as Nico and Nero argue about what cider flavor is the most superior as we all sit in one of the makeshift huts for the attractions at the festival. I'm sitting next to Nero and I feel his hand on my knee, gently caressing as he takes a sip of his beer, shaking his head at Nico. Nico crosses her arms over her chest, scrunching her face up at him. We ran into her and a friend by the name of Lady on their hunt for a nice gift for Nero's uncle, Dante, and his wife Lapis for tomorrow's birthday party. Apparently, the surprise is out of the bag and now it's a festive pumpkin decorating party with birthday cake and a nice get together.

Lady clears her throat as she returns with wine for me and her, followed by some more beer and cider samples for Nero and Nico. They've been pacing themselves to be safe enough to drive tonight, but I have to compliment Nero's tolerance for drink. Though he's told me it's from his devil power, making him burn it off a bit faster than normal. I thank her as I take a long sip, in rapture for this flavor of apple flavored wine.

"Ooh, can we go on a carriage ride through the pumpkin patch guys? I think it'll be really fun!"

Nico excitedly waves her hands as she points to the attraction not that far away. I smile kindly as I speak, holding Nero's hand that tries to trail up under my dress in a teasing manner. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly as he nudges me with his arm. He has the appetite of a ravenous wolf. Not to say I don't, but I'm not going to be caught being lewd in public.

"I think that would be a nice way to wrap up the night, right babe?"

I glance over to Nero who offers a kiss to my temple, muttering, "Yeah, then we could ride back to Dante's house if you want tonight or just go tomorrow."

I nod against his kiss, savoring the warmth and affection. This day has been so much fun, going from all the little stands and booths and seeing all the nick nacks and wares Fortuna has to offer. Running into Nico and Lady just added to the fun, though as I think back to something Lady said, it causes a slight chill to run down my spine.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Nero spits as he wraps his arm around me defensively, squeezing my hip. His eyes are like daggers, staring at Lady with a clenched jaw. She shakes her head, her brown pixie cut bobbing back and forth, shrugging as she stands next to Nico alongside the white van I saw Nero leave with her those few months ago. On the side, I notice, is a beautifully drawn neon sign that says "Devil May Cry."

"I wish I was joking, Nero, but I'm not. The sightings were off the coast of Redgrave City on the far end where the road connects to the forest leading to Ravencrest Falls. Vergil went to take care of it and reported it's been taken care of, but you can't be too careful."

She pauses, aiming her heterochromic eyes at me, tilting her chin.

"You have something that means something to you, worth protecting. I think it would just be good to carry something. Plus, as a demon hunter and previous knight, isn't it standard?"

I can hear him growl subtly and he shakes his head in frustration. Yet, when he turns his eyes to me, I see his gaze immediately soften, a determination shining beneath the grey-blue surface.

"Since I'm not a knight anymore, I can't go lugging around my blade on my back. But, I can carry my gun. I'm assuming a model of it is still hatched in the back?"

Nico whistles, rubbing her hands together, her toothy grin holding a glint of mad scientist vibes. It definitely matches her profession of weapon smith and devil arm creationist.

"Ooh wee boy do I! I've been working on some new things that I'm excited to show ya. But yeah, I got the Blue Rose modded with some new features. She's able to withstand a good hit if you need to block with 'er."

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