Chapter 2

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I rubbed my eye I tried to make out whatever had happened last night. My brain was so foggy; it was so hard to remember. Except for the sound of birds chirping and the trees rustling, the forest was all quiet. It was then that I remembered the person watching.

I went outside and looked around but he or she was nowhere to be found. My eyes trailed to my bags and I blew a sigh of relief when everything was intact.

Realizing that I had nothing else to do here, I grabbed my bags and set off. I was obviously in a hurry to get there because frankly, I was sick of the forest. I’ve even lost count of how many insects have bitten me.

I breathed in the fresh morning air and even though it was mostly the scent of trees, I picked up another disturbing scent. That was the scent that I would never forget.

The scent of rouges.

What the hell were rouges doing here?

How did they find me?

Were they spying on me?

Those were mostly the questions that crossed through my mind but most of all, where were they? I looked around me, trying to spot them but they were nowhere to be found. One thing that I knew was that they were waiting to attack me .

Now I had three choices; it’s either to run, fight or surrender to them.

Unfortunately, option three wasn’t an option at all, so I decided to run, and then fight when the need arises. I began to step back when arrows came flying at me, multiple of them. And the worst was that they were all made with silver. If all of them hit me at once, I may be severely injured. So running wasn’t an option either.

I stopped the arrows midair which surprisingly took no effort at all and sent them the direction where they came from. I waited for something to happen but nothing happened. That was until a few of them came falling down from the trees.

So that was where they were hiding, no wonder.

The ones who weren’t hit came down the trees and I was amazed by their number. Just how many were they? “Attack” one of them yelled and they all came charging towards me.

This was going to be a long morning.

These rouges were so damn persistent. It has been hours since they started to attack me and although I had wiped out most of them, they wouldn’t stop attacking me. I had multiple injuries and although they healed as soon as they were inflicted, the pain was still there.

I got no chance to run as they kept attacking me. There were about 17 left, how was I going to attack them all at once? I was preoccupied with the rouges at the front while another of them stabbed me in the back. I kicked the rouge away and pulled the blade out of my back. It was excruciatingly painful and I don’t think that it would heal anytime soon.

My energy had been long exhausted and if I kept on fighting, they might find a way to render me incapable of fighting. I used my other hand which I wasn’t using to hold my wound to grab my bag and I began to run. I saw that the rouges were hot on my trail and I began to run faster, ignoring the pain from my stomach.

I sniffed the air and finally perceived the smell that I had been hoping to perceive all along. It was humans, real ones and I was getting closer every step I took.

Finally, I was going to get away from them. Not that I couldn’t fight them but I was too weak to do anything except for running. The smell kept growing stronger and stronger until…

My breath hitched. My steps became slower and slower until I stopped, frozen in place. There was another knife situated in my back and came out from my stomach. They had stabbed me again. I had to remove the knife before the skin around it healed or else it would take a lot of pain for me to remove it.

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