Chapter 15

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Melanie's POV

'Come on Melanie dear, I just want to have a little taste. It'll be over before you know it' his drunken strength easily overpowered me as he dragged me to the bed and began to tear off my already tattered dress.

Why is he doing this; I thought we were friends.

I really thought we were friends.

As he finished unbuckling his belt in a frenzy and started to assault me, the cruel realization dawned upon me; that he was a monster.

Help me, brother.

Save me...

I woke up screaming, my arms wrapped around my body and the contents of last nights dinner threatening to force its way out of my body.

And it did.

I ran to the toilet and ejected the food contents out of my body, my body still shaking.

'He can't hurt you now mel, your brother saved you and you're now alright' I repeated in my head.

After calming myself down, I stood up to rinse my mouth and wash my face, feeling glad that I made my room soundproof. My brother has his own issues and I don't want to trouble him with mine, although he always worries that my nightmares are coming back.

And of course I lied to him, telling him that my nightmares are gone.

My alarm suddenly rang, making me groan in frustration. I really wish that I didn't have to go to school but alas, such is the sad reality of my life. I picked out a plain black hoodie and black sweats to represent my mood and white sneakers just so that I won't appear like a complete shadow at school.

After I brushed my teeth, took my shower and got dressed, I went downstairs to begin my attempt #148 of cooking breakfast.

Yes, I've been counting.

On my way to the kitchen, I saw the cat Minnie huddled in a corner and licking her fur. "Morning bitch" I walked past her and she rolled her eyes at me in return.

Yes, she rolled her eyes at me.

She doesn't even belong to us, she just appeared randomly on a day when I was sick. We tried to find her owner but we found nothing.

But the reason why I hate her is that she's so... annoying. She always acts like a little bitch to me, shitting in my bag and all. But then she'll cozy up to Kyle and act all innocent.

And Kyle would actually buy her pretense.

Someday, she might succeed in turning my brother against me. Well, it's not too late to kill her before then. I'll just wait for the right time and then... I'll murder her.

(Evil laugh) I'm such a genius.

I stood in front of the gas stove to begin cooking. From what I remember from the internet, it all starts with boiling water. I filled a pot halfway with water and put it on the gas burner. I waited and watched, even dipped my hand into the water but it wasn't hot yet. Guess I'll have to do something else in the meanwhile.

I closed my eyes and muttered a few words. Suddenly an ancient looking book appeared in my hands. It was my book of spells and its been with me for as long as I remember. I've always had a flair for magic and I've memorized over one-third of the book. I'm even better than my brother at magic.

I was trying to memorize a hard time spell when I coughed. Shit. I totally forgot about the water and now there's smoke everywhere. I rushed to turn off the gas burner and then took the pot in my hands once it was cold, Looking for a way to salvage the situation.

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