Chapter 17

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Third Person POV

Kyle was busy reviewing the proposal sent by their potential collaborators, Martins and Co. He had to make sure that there were no clauses that put his company at a disadvantage.

He suddenly heard a knock on his office door. "Come in" he grunted.

A short girl of about 5 feet in height entered the office, her blue and brown hair which was tied into a messy ponytail bounced up and down. The eye bags under her brown eyes and pajamas made her look as if she had just gotten out of bed when in reality, she sped to the company after making such a shocking discovery.

"Boss, I've finally done it!". She dropped some papers on the table and sat cross-legged on the chair in front of it. "Emma" he said in a warning tone and picked up the papers. "Sorry sir" she put her legs down.

"But isn't it surprising? There's literally no information on her. All her registered information was fake, excluding her name. It was like she appeared from thin air" she exclaimed dramatically.

Kyle dropped the papers after reading it. This information had basically confirmed his doubts about her not being human. Even if she were an orphan, there would still be some details about her. But in her case, there was literally nothing.

"Alright. What about the hacker?" he continued to read other proposals. "I think he's being backed up by a powerful organization. I've been so close to getting his location so many times but he always managed to escape" her playful look was nowhere to be found as she seemed genuinely irked.

"I didn't pick you up from the slums just for you to be messing up. Get your shit together, or I won't hesitate to put you where you're supposed to be" his gaze was icy and his voice threatening. "Yes sir" a hint of fear could be seen in her eyes.

She had always been a poor kid who survived by using her stolen secondhand laptop to hack into and steal from people's bank accounts. She made the horrible mistake of trying to steal from his company and was caught by him.

She was given a choice to either go to jail or work for him; the answer was obvious. She knew that her life was now controlled by him, and she didn't mind that. As long as she could still do what she loved, she would follow every order of his.

She swiftly got up from the chair, nodded once more and exited the office, now determined more than ever to catch that bastard.

Kyle frowned, he knew that the hacker was working for a big organization but which one, he didn't know. He would get all his answers once he caught him.

"Mr. Altomare, Julian Martins and his associates has arrived" Carson informed. Kyle took the proposal and exited the office. "Sir, Mr. Andrew called. His flight landed yesterday and, on his way, back, he encountered Marina Slade's PA and managed to get her location" Carson informed Kyle as they walked to the conference room.

A small smile could be seen on Kyle's face as he said "do I have any plans today? I would like to speak with Ms. Slade myself".

"yes sir, our associates from Singapore organized a zoom meeting regarding our new branch that is going to be built there. One of our shareholders is having financial issues and is seeking our help. Some gangs are occupying one of our warehouses and are refusing to vacate there despite our warnings. Ms. Shayan has also invited you to her birthday party. There are other issues but these are the most recurring ones" Carson informed.

"Cancel Ms. Shayan's party. Her father's meagre toy company isn't of any use to me anymore. As for the gangs, have someone inform mona and let her call her goons to get rid of them. Cut off Mr. Pattson's company, they'll only drag us down. Our associates from Singapore...fuck! I'll deal with them after the meeting with Martins. Tell Andrew to reach out to Ms. Slade and try to convince her. She's someone that we can't afford to not have her on our side. If she agrees to our proposal, this company will reach even greater heights" he said to Carson and started to walk ahead to the conference room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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