Chapter 11

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“Wait a minute sir, I know that I told you that I understood if you can’t hire me but you can’t just reject me like that. You haven’t even seen my qualifications yet” I kept trying to plead with him but the fucking guy wouldn’t even look at me. It took me a lot for me to swallow my pride and beg him but it seemed as if I was talking to a statue.

I hadn’t even bothered to give him the puppy dog face because from one look, you’ll know that it just won’t work on him.

“Please I really need this job sir” I pleaded again and thankfully this time he managed to look at me with that his handsome face. Not. “I don’t feel like nor am I in the mood to hire you” he said with a monotone voice that was as sharp as steel.


What is fucking wrong with this guy?

Just because he’s rich he thinks that he can deprive me of a job? Absolute nonsense. “Listen here Mr. Rich owner of this place, just because you are rich doesn’t mean that you can deprive me of a job. I have been begging you for a job but you wouldn’t even look at me. You do know that it’s wrong don’t you?” I point at him.

He reluctantly looked at me then stood up. Everything he wore and even the way he walked reeked of money and pride, even his cologne that smelled nice. Once again, I won‘t be like those girls who will start drooling of how handsome he is, how tall he is etc. he isn’t that handsome.

He is THAT handsome.

I mentally face palmed as he walked up to me and narrowed his eyes. “For your information, I can deprive you of a job since I’m rich and I can also make sure that you can’t get a job in the whole state". He said with a matter-of-fact tone.

Okay, was this guy just plain bluffing or is he seriously threatening me.


Right then, my patience had run out dry and whatever common sense that told me not to lash out at this guy was completely gone.

“Okay listen and listen good mister, who the fucking hell do you think you are huh? Just because you own this huge ass company you think that you own the entire world? Well newsflash, you don’t, so stop acting like an arrogant prick who behaves like something crawled into your ass and died there. I had to swallow my ego so that I could get this job and here you are telling me that you are not in the mood to hire me? Just who the hell do you think you are?” I growled at him.

I was heaving while I was mentally applauding myself at the brilliant stupidity that I just exhibited. Now I know that whatever hope of getting this job was totally gone.  And he on the other hand was watching me like a première comedy show.

Of course, that’s what he thinks about me now.

A complete joke.

I was about to once again swallow my pride and try to apologize when Andrew nervously strolled inside and stood between me and him. “Brother please just forget everything she just said. She has a five minute madness and I think that it surfaced now” he turned to me and nudged at me to apologize.

“I’m sorry. It was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said that” I said, bowing slightly.

“Please brother, please give her a chance, she’s been through so much. Just imagine how happy she would be if she hears that you’ve helped a person by hiring her” he pleaded with him. Andrew’s trying so hard for me even though I’m a total failure. And what does he mean by ‘She’? Maybe I’ll ask him later.

The guy sat back down on his chair, inhaled and exhaled. What is he doing? “Get out and wait” he said to me. I nervously turned around and walked outside. I sure hope that he was able to persuade him. After waiting for what seemed like forever, Andrew finally came out. “Congrats, you finally got the job” he said before I could say anything.

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