Chapter 5

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Nalia's POV

I kicked away my boots and sat on the balcony outside the house. After a long day of killing, all I needed was fresh air and the dark sky to make me forget.

Forget my problems, the cries of pains of people; I just wanted to forget my life itself. If only I could have a new life or be born again, I wouldn't have to live in this world that continuously reminded me of the day that my life got ruined. If not that my parents told me to be alive and stay strong, I would've lost my sanity or even committed suicide. I didn't even bother to wash my hands so it was filled with the foul stench of blood.

I looked up to the sky "mom, dad..." I trailed off. If only I could be here with them right now. The tears had begun to fall but I didn't even bother to stop them. I just needed to forget. Even if it meant breaking down my walls.

Stephanie's POV

I kept pacing around the living room, those chronicles continuously replaying in my head. Suddenly something struck in my brain. That passage in Nalia’s book was written on the same date exactly one year after the griffin clan got annihilated.

All these were so confusing and it’s getting really hard to piece them all together. I seriously need some time to cool my head off. Too much thinking was definitely making my head hurt. I walked up to my room and sat on the bed. I was seriously bored now. I looked outside and watched the clear sky. When last had I done this stuff?

Suddenly someone-or something caught my eyes. It was Nalia, sitting by the balcony. I wonder what she’s doing there. Feeling that I might as well as get some fresh air myself, I headed downstairs to the balcony. When I got there, I was somewhat surprised- and shocked to see her... crying? And seriously for that matter. She tried to wipe her tears but it was too late.

“Care to share?” I asked as I sat near her. “F-Fuck off” She said, while desperately trying to clean her tears but it wouldn’t stop. “It’ll get worse if you hold it in” I told her. She suddenly burst into more tears and when I thought that she wouldn’t tell me anything, she began to talk.

“It’s j-just that, I witnessed my parents getting killed in front of my eyes and it’s really hard to suppress the memories when I keep blaming myself because I knew that I could’ve done something but I didn’t and… and I just don’t know what to do” She said while crying. I felt great pity for her and by instinct I hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and began to cry heavily.

I couldn’t blame her, after all grief tends to make you feel empty, numb and broken. I kept whispering comforting words as she kept crying. When she had finished crying, we just remained like that, just basking in the silence.

Just when I thought she was sleeping or something, she spoke up “could I have been able to do something? So that my parents would be here today?” she asked.

“Fate has its way of doing things, there’s definitely a reason for this and besides” I released her “We should definitely go to bed” I said, not wanting to go on with this discussion.

I dragged her up and led her upstairs to her room. When she was into her room and thankfully not breaking anything, I trudged to my room and sat on the floor. Well, I had finally seen her past and it… it doesn’t really affect me. I don’t know why but her past sounded like mine, only better.

Suddenly I remembered something. I crawled over to my suitcase and began looking for something. When I found it, I was so relieved.

It was a silver necklace with half an eagle dangling by the end. It was one of the most important things in my life but I stopped wearing it after he left and never came back. “Why…” I trailed off as a tear fell on it. I wiped my eyes and looked at the clear sky.

He left and never came back, just like that. All I was left with were people I don’t really recognize anymore. Everyone had changed, even my parents. “Why, why did you have to leave so soon André?”

Nalia’s POV

After she left, I collapsed on the bed. Crying sure takes the energy out of you. It felt kinda nice to have someone hear me out. It felt like I wasn’t alone; as if there was someone for me.

That Stephanie isn’t so bad; after all I knew her past was far, far worse than mine. Perhaps I could be friends with her? But, whatever I do, I should remember that I have a job to do. I have my own battle to fight.

Why worry about someone else?

Zyair’s POV (pronounced as Zaire).

Being a hybrid is not all that bad. But it kinda gets annoying when your urge to drink blood just pops up at random and I think it’s affecting me the most. People mostly know me as the devil’s assistant and they run away whenever they see me.

Am I really that scary?

Okay, maybe I’m a little scary but what do you know? I’m working for the devil itself. He has too many plans that are way out of my league.

I even heard that Stephanie ran away. Man, that girl’s one tough cookie but I feel sorry for her. She should know that no one can escape his clutches. But whatever, I needed a break. That’s why I’m going to that place. The place that is my only solace.


Sorry for the short chapter. But yeah, I finally introduced him properly, where do you think he's going to 🤔

Any ways, don't forget to like, comment and share.

Now, on to the next chapter!!!

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