Chapter 8

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Stephanie's POV

I continuously kept typing as I focused my face on the laptop screen. I'm really glad that everything was going alright at work and I have finally learned how to put up with Brittany’s bitching and sassing. All you had to do was pretend to listen and say ‘okay’ or ‘alright’ every now and then.

Easy peasy. 

But sincerely, office work is boring; all you had to do was to keep crunching in numbers, sorting, arranging and all that shit and there was nothing really exciting around here. But at least it was a great way to pass time.

“Excuse me” I heard a masculine voice say. I hesitantly looked up from the screen and when I did, I couldn’t stop staring. This guy was the definition of handsome with his light brown hair and stunning green eyes.

If staring at him was a job, I would do anything to get it.

And his thick British accent, oh I could listen to it all day. “Good morning, how can I help you please?” I kept my voice steady and professional. “I have a scheduled meeting with Mr. Aiden” he said. I had a straight face while inside I was drooling at him which Eden reprimanded me for.

Well, kill me for appreciating nature’s blessings. Duh.

“We have a mate remember?” she said. “Yes, but can you please care to tell me where that mate of ours is?” I asked and she huffed. I was kinda disappointed that this guy wasn’t my mate but I hoped that I found someone as handsome as him.

”Okay, what’s your name please?” I asked as I flipped through the schedule list. “It’s Andrew, Andrew Parker". he said and I nodded as I searched for the name. When I found it, I called Mr. Aiden just to check with him.

“Mr. Aiden, Mr. Andrew parker has a scheduled meeting with you. Should I send him in?” I asked. “Yes please direct him here” He replied and I cut the call.  He’s on the fifth floor of the room to your left please” I directed and he nodded and left. I continued my work as I continued to drool over him. I never knew that there were such handsome humans. Like seriously, one can’t be that handsome.

Also I picked up a foreign scent around him. It smelled like something that I could recognize but I couldn’t seem to pinpoint where I had got a whiff of something like that. Maybe it was just some strong perfume that I'd smelled before so I ignored it and continued my work.

After an hour or so, Mr. Andrews came outside as he nodded as a sign of goodbye. “Have a nice day” I called out. I seriously couldn’t get enough of his face. I was trying to concentrate on my work when Brittany decided to show up.

What a great way to regain my concentration, note the sarcasm.

“I know what you’re up to” She said. What the hell is going on now? “Me?”I asked. “Yes you. I know that you’re trying to flirt with my boyfriend so that you can steal my him from me” She screeched.

I was so lost, that it actually took me time to piece what she was saying together. “Wait, do you mean Mr. Andrew?” I asked with a tone of disbelief. She gave me an ‘isn’t it obvious’ look and I burst out laughing.

I knew that this girl was stupid but this was seriously overboard. Sure the guy was handsome but I was seriously not trying to do anything. I was only appreciating his handsomeness.

Was that a crime?

I stopped laughing and gave her a blank look. “Look Brittany, let me get this straight and you listen and listen good, I am not interested in your boyfriend. Considering if it’s even true” I muttered the last part to myself but she could’ve heard and I didn’t care. She then scowled at me and walked away. I shook my head and continued working.

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