Chapter 10

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Today was my ninth birthday and I anxiously played with the Barbie doll that mother and father sent to me. I don’t know why they never have time for me anymore. They only send me toys to make up for it but they don’t realize that I need their time only. Besides, I hadn’t seen André all day, he told me to meet him by the courtyard by 5 and I’m guessing that he’s preparing something special for me.

Suddenly the door opened and I jumped up in surprise, thinking that it was André. “Mother” I called out after seeing her with two other guards. She nodded to them and they rushed over and grabbed my arms. “Wait mother, what are you doing, where are you taking me” I panicked when we got to a door made with heavy metal.

They opened the door and pushed me inside. “Mother wait please don’t leave me here” I begged as she left me behind and closed the door. I nervously looked around and when I saw that no one was there, I ran over to the door and pounded on it shouting for help.

“shut your trap” I heard a voice. I quickly looked around and broke into a cold sweat when I saw the Alpha staring at me. He looked forward and I looked too. “what is that” I said, fear and anguish completely evident in my voice. It was a giant marble and it was crystal clear.

What was inside it?

He looked at me and jerked his head towards the ball while I shook my head fiercely in fear. He sighed and suddenly my body began to move on its own, maybe I was just being submissive. When I got there, he told me to enter and I refused again. He raised an eyebrow at me and I gulped, shivers going down my spine. I had no choice now. “please someone get me out of here” was all I kept repeating in my mind.

When I got to the top of the ball, I looked at him pleadingly and he nodded at me to enter. I dipped my leg inside and my leg burned. I hissed and brought my leg out, the giant bruises that formed were healing slowly.
He expected me to enter a giant ball filled with silver?

I looked at him and his threatening gaze was enough to make me forget myself and I slowly entered. The first things that I felt were the burns and the pain was worse than death. It felt like someone was slowly pulling my skin off. I wouldn’t even be able to heal without the wounds reforming and becoming worse.

I wanted to scream but I couldn’t.

I wanted to cry but I couldn’t.

I was choking on silver and my insides felt worse than being set on fire. I tried to reach for the top but chains appeared from nowhere and binded my arms and legs. I tried to struggle but I couldn’t. I felt sad, angry and most of all; betrayed. By my own mother. “H-help me” I choked out as the black spots began to take over my vision. Help…

I jerked up from my sleep and looked around. It was a dream.

One that contained my terrible past.

I looked over to the bed, the mattress was ripped, the pillows were soaking wet, and the bedside table was reduced to nothing. Seems like my powers works when I have bad dreams like these.

That’s a first.

I held out my hands and tried to revert the room to its original state but nothing happened, not even a spark. “Stupid powers” I muttered as I hopped into the shower to take a hot bath. I don’t like how these memories keep coming back. I just want to forget it all, why can’t I do that? When I was done with my shower (and my brooding), I went for minimal makeup, left my hair flow in loose waves and put on a baby blue shirt and black trousers. I grabbed my papers and headed downstairs. “Where’re you going?” Jenna asked, sharpening a long knife.

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