Two \\ Legend

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Damn did you hate this machine. It threw you around like a hundred bucking horses and you never knew what to hold on to. But you had to give it to Donnie, it was durable, and did what you needed it to do.

So when you stepped out of the cramped space to see a world similar to the turtles, lit up in crimson and covered in smoke. You nearly doubled over. It had only taken you about a week to get the machine working. Donnie had coined some fabulous name for it, but you’d just started calling it the YOLO, Considering it keeps throwing you into so many other universes unbeknownst to you.

When you step entirely out of it. You gape as orange light cuts through the sky, and you can barely make out the form of three figures in the distance. That’s when you start running. It could be your last few moments living, but you would not stop running.

Some strange figure blocks your path, and you growl, picking up whatever was within your reach. It just so happened to be a wire, one that they used in buildings. You grin.

In your time traveling through dimensions, you’d learned a few things about traveling through space.

The first, was to remain on target. Get to your goal and don’t let it slip through your fingers, because if you do, why were you even going anywhere in the first place?

Second, defend yourself. Learn an enemy's weakness and you can take it out. But learn how to save yourself, there won’t be a chance for confrontation.

You watch with wide eyes as the looming creature falls, smiling at your handiwork as you approach the three upon the hill.

Three, don’t ever forget that there is good. That you are good. It’s hard when you end up where you're not supposed to be, it's difficult when no one is there to remind you. But there is good in any world, in every world.

“Help him Michaelangelo, he’s hurt bad.”

The unfamiliar voice descends through the chaos as you climb over rubble to the weary figures on the hill. You’re greeted with a familiar smirk.

“Y/n! Long time no see!”

You wrap him in a hug, unafraid to get blood on your clothing, they’d gotten pretty tattered during your latest trip through dimensions.

Leo looks about while clutching you in a hug. This wasn’t right, you couldn’t die here. You’d come back to him and he couldn’t even give you the world you’d wanted him to save.

“That’s it.” He speaks, feeling as you pull away from him. “The resistance failed.”

He gives you his signature Leo look, the one that said a thousand things, but none at all.

“But it’s not over, we still have a ninja's greatest weapon. Hope.”

He grins at his younger brother.

“That, and a badass mystic warrior. Mikey, we need a time gateway.”

Mikey looks at his older brother, nodding at his words, voicing his concerns.

“It’ll take everything I have.”

Leo nods at his brother, the only one he had left.

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