Eleven \\ Te Amo

712 19 13

"Question, Is it too late to join April's team?" Donnie asks, joking a bit to attempt to lighten his brother's dreary moods. Leo silences him with a shush. Laying out the plan for his brothers. Wherever Raph was, he hoped the guy was okay and that Tanya was holding up well with him.

"Okay, you two figure out how to hijack this ship. I'm gonna get Y/n."

Leo looks at his brothers again, smiling a little. They all were in a lot of danger being in this ship but he couldn't help but grin about his brothers and him finally working together. It felt like everything would be alright.

"I love you guys. Don't die on me, okay?"

The two nod and run off to go gain control of the ship. Leo begins running through corridors. Winding, weaving things that left him turned around and confused. Happily, however, he didn't run into any Krang zombies or Krang themselves.

Leo skids to a halt upon seeing you, standing below an enormous eye. It stares down at him, seeping into his soul. He draws his katana as the alien controlling you stands from his throne. You're standing right beside him.

"Surprise. I've come for Y/n."

"Let me guess, out of love for your pathetic planet?"

Leo grips his swords hilt a little tighter. This pathetic planet had brought people joy, had given people something to laugh and cry about. This pathetic planet had done more for so many than this creature could even think of doing for anyone. But Leo takes a breath. He's not here for the planet.

"Out of love for the person standing beside you."

With a roll of his eyes, the Krang flicks his hand and you jump down from the ledge on where you stand. The goo surrounding you writhing with each step you take. He refuses to move, holding both of his katana harshly and staring at your cold gaze. He can feel you in there. Somewhere he knows, you're there.

"Y/n. You're coming home. Whether you like it or not."
You let out a blood curdling roar, and Leo freezes up. You were in there, in the roar. There was pain and sorrow. You're there. He knows you are.

"I don't want to fight you." He says, adjusting his stance to the one he remembers teaching you. "But I will if I have to."

The Krang lets out a chuckle. Malicious intent behind the smile in his words.

"Oh you will have to."

You charge at Leo and he blocks with his katana, cutting some of the tentacle off of your hands. But it regrows, reforming into a tentacle again.

You're in there.

Another slice at the tentacles.

Please Y/n, I'm sorry.

"Y/n. Please. I know you're in there somewhere. You've gotta snap out of this."

But you just keep trying to land a punch, a hit, something to hurt him, to stumble him. To tear him off balance.

"Do you feel the power of what the Krang can do? I'm here to save this weak planet!"
Leo pauses, and attempts to run from you, but you crash through the floor, blocking his exit. Stalking towards him as though you're a lion to wounded prey.

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