Eight \\ Resistance

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“What is this thing?” The boy questions, confused as he stands within the vehicle, lit up in warm-lighting with flashing buttons and expensive looking tech everywhere.

“Hold on to your gluteus maximi!” Donnie shouts as he pulls away from the lair, Casey clutches onto one of the  chairs as the tank pulls away.

“The Turtle Tank baby! It’s how we roll in the past. I mean- the present. I mean-” He takes a breath and huffs “Time travel is confusing.” The box-turtle says, rubbing his temples dramatically. Earning a small grin from Casey. You may be in danger, but Mikey knows that you’d want him to lighten the mood.

“They’re on the move. According to the subcutaneous tracker I put on Y/n-” (subcutaneous, according to google search, means under the skin. How Donnie achieved this, you and everyone else have no clue.)

“Wait… Does that mean you put trackers on all of us?” Leo questions, sitting up a little straighter in the massive chair at the center of the tank. It was once his older brothers. But he'd taken over when Splinter had named him leader. It felt too big for him. Like he wasn’t supposed to be sitting in the red chair. It felt like a throne, he was the king, but he couldn’t yet fill the crown he’d been given.

“No?” Donnie says, sweating a little, refusing to make eye contact with his brothers, or anyone else in the tank. “No… I did… n’t.” He clears his throat, starting off dragging his sentence again. “Based on their trajectory they’re headed-”

“To the tallest building in the city.” Casey breaths, remembering what he’d learned in the future. Gaping as the spire of the building came into view. He was taken aback.

“That’s right. Metro tower.”

“Tanya told me the story so many times as a kid.” He stares out into the city, starry eyed and a little petrified. “ ‘and behold, from their perch atop New York City, the Kraang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was terror and what rained down upon us was worse than death’.”

“She told that to kids? Man, the future is harsh.” Mikey mumbles, a little frightened by the story himself. Raph decided then and there that he was going to absolutely have a talk with his girlfriend about toning it down around children. She’d never been particularly kind to children when just talking about them. But he wouldn’t want to put her dislike into practice.

“I’m not gonna let that happen.” Leo says, determination setting on his face as hard as stone.

“We need to get through without being spotted.” The eldest says, looking to his brother for what to do. They’d gotten into this mess because of Leo. He wasn’t gonna bail him out now. Whatever happened? It was on his head. It wasn’t out of kindness that he’d said the obvious. But out of anger at the red-eared slider he called his brother.

“We’ll take the subway tunnels.” Leo grits out. Glaring out at the skyline. His brothers run it through their minds.

“Subway tunnels don’t offer much in means of escape. Are you sure about this?” Donnie questions, glancing backwards at his brother. He may not like Leo’s tunnel vision. But he was happy that Leo was at least including them in the plan instead of running off and expecting them to follow.

“Yeah, maybe we should go-”

“We’re doing it my way. Remember?” The leader says. Sitting in the center of the tank. Raph lets out a sigh. Having the same thought process as Donnie. However annoyed he might be, there was an inkling of hope. Maybe Leo could get better. Maybe he could learn to be the leader.

Maybe you were helping him heal again, no matter how much the slider resents the idea.

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