Seven \\ Mission: Save The World

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“Look at it, disgusting.”

“Try looking in a mirror.” You snarl as the alien slithers along the goo trapping you in place. It was genuinely disgusting and you were glad that you were unconscious while they trapped you in it. You nearly gagged any time your body shifted.

“It’s talking at me.” Your eyes remain firmly on the floor as a tentacle jerks your head to make you look at the creature. “I think I’ll cut out its tongue.”

“Forgive my sister. She’s got a bit of a temper.”

The Kraang closest to you hisses a bit before slithering away again to join her brother. Glaring at you as she does.

“Being in a prison dimension hasn’t done her any favors.”

You scoff, rolling your eyes.

“Go figure.”

You feel yourself sliding closer to the floor, the pink muck surrounding you squelching. You wince every time it does. Disgusting.

“You’re not like the people on this… Earth. What are you?”

You pull at your restraints, no matter how much your body rejects the idea of touching anymore of the foul restraints. But wanting to make your point clear.

“Let me go and I’ll show you.”

The pink mass before you hums quietly, seemingly intrigued by your statement infused with fury you didn’t know you held within you.

“You’ve got more power than the people of this planet, yet you defend them… why?”

“I have a mission to save a world.” You look directly into the Kraang's eyes, saying the next sentence with full honesty. “Turns out, it wasn’t a world that needed saving, so I came to this one. To save it from one asshole in particular”

The Kraang snorts, his siblings following suit as he starts to pace. It was intimidating how he could be so unfazed by such a confession. It also amazed you.

“If you join us we could make this dream possible. Weapons, armies, everything at your disposal. You could be free of the cage others have put you in.”

You snort, grinning at his comment. Not this particular person. Weapons, armies, everything couldn’t get rid of you. Not when you had four people who cared for you here. Though you wouldn’t doubt for one second Leo could probably kill you with just those twin swords of his.

“Last I checked, we weren’t the ones trapped in a prison dimension for a thousand years.”

You let out a hilarity filled sigh, before your attention returns to the alien, something akin to sarcasm in your voice.

“That’s called trash talk.”

The leader turns away from you, seeming to wince at your comment.

“A rare mis-step. Once I retrieve the key from your…” He pauses, his movement stopping along with his brain. “Your… what do you call them? Your… family. I will bring forth the mighty Technodrome and you will witness the true power of the Kraang.”

He simply looks at you with his red eyes. His sclera entirely yellow. A stark contrast against his magenta skin. You suppress a shiver that crawls up your spine like a mosquito on a dark night.

“Now, the key. Where is it?”

“It won’t tell you anything.” The sister of the two speaks, grinning as she approaches and caresses your neck with one of her tentacles. Carefully shaped into a blade sharp enough, it seems, to cut through even the toughest metal. “Let me kill it.”

“Brain-face here is right. I’m still not gonna tell you anything.”

A low rumble pierces your ears, and your breath catches when you feel something similar to slime slithering up your shoulder, your neck.

“You don’t have to tell me.”

Your voice is stuck within your throat as the tentacles slither beneath your eyelids, wrapping through your very being, intrusive and painful, and finally…

You see images of New York city, the way leading to the lair. You try to make your mind stop. Try to remove the images, but finally the Kraang pulls away from you. Your head thuds against your chest, and before you black out, you hear another thunder like chuckle.

“They always do it the hard way.”

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