Four \\ Cruel Venus

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"April! Yes!" Casey whispers, preparing to jump down off the building, you try to stop him, but he jumps off anyway, landing like a buffoon in front of April, who quickly knocks the crap out of him with her bat.

"Fuckin' hell, sorry April." You say from the roof. Jumping down as she wheels to look at you. You roll to stand up and put your arms up immediately.

"What's the matter with you? Creepin' up on a person in the dark like that?"

You roll your eyes, gesturing with one of your pointer fingers to Casey, unconscious, and on the ground.

"Future boy here didn't listen to the plan."

Realization dawns on April as she looks you over. You may look different in this world, but you were still Y/n.

"Leo is going to be so mad."
You nod, then remember the deadline today.

"Go figure."

You begin to shift towards Casey and April helps you pick him up.

"Look, there's a lot that happens today, do you think you could take us to the lair so I can tell the boys, and you, what happens?"

April nods viciously, quickly helping you move Casey. Hurrying you along as she winds her way through alleys and streets.

"Would you mind if I knocked you unconscious? That way Leo doesn't think you're a ghost or something and go bananas?"

You set Casey down as you nod, wrapping your arms firmly around yourself.

"Just don't put me in a coma, there's world saving to do, O'Neil."

You hear as she huffs, and then the world goes dark.


"And then Y/n explained what was going on and I brought them here."

"Sensei?" Casey says groggily, and your eyes fly open as Leo yelps, taken aback, all eyes fly to the boy, and then to you. Finally landing on the boy again as he struggles against his bonds.

"It's you! It's all of you! I never thought I'd see you again!"

You let out a breath as Leo keeps his eyes trained on Casey. Features set in stone as he barely moved. They were all here. You'd made it. But there was still more to do.

With Casey's shouts of affection, came him face-planting into the ground, whereas you had already broken free of your duct tape and rope bonds. You stand up, set him upright, and begin taking the duct tape off of Casey, apologizing whenever the tape took off some of the hair on his arm.

"We don't have much time." You start finally conjuring a knife from your pant leg, hacking away at the rope on Casey's wrists. "Casey and I are here because we came from the future-"

"Impossible! If we were capable of time travel, Future Donnie would have come back and given me all the lottery numbers, like we planned." Donnie says, making you crack a smile, when you look up at him, you can see a small smile on his face. You nod at him, and he gives you a little wave. You'd never been so relieved.

"It's true!" Casey shouts, making everyone stare at him intently. "I need you to believe me. Believe us. In the future, an alien race decimates the planet."

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