Thanks and Third Book!

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Yet again I'll keep these short because who wants to read 2 pages of thank you's?

So first, thanks to you, yet again, for keeping up with this crazy journey while I decided whether or not to make three books in this series! I think you'll like the next one.

Thanks again to @Kzkrai for sticking around and being a source of endless love for this story and inspiration for this story (honestly you've helped influence the characters in so many ways)

To @Tsundakii @realDrDelicateTouch @loeviesgone and @Charliescar (and Kai), y'all's comments are utterly hilarious and you have endlessly made my day when I've been frustrated about having some nasty writers block. Thank you for being the insane 'family' you are and not being scared to be ridiculous.

Again, to those of you who have simply read Jars, I know it was a simple concept in theory. I mean it's basically just me rewriting the movie. But with every read that accumulates on this story, it inspires me to keep writing not just for you guys, but for me.

Okay I'm done being sappy, without further thank you's....


I know, I know, this series has gone on for too long, but I can't help myself! I felt like Jars ended on such a nice note that I had to make a third one in this series (please don't murder me okay-)

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I know, I know, this series has gone on for too long, but I can't help myself! I felt like Jars ended on such a nice note that I had to make a third one in this series (please don't murder me okay-)

With the publishing of this chapter, the first chapter of flowers will be up and ready for you to read if you want to! (because I know some of you would just like to end it here, on an open ended note, and that's just fine with me! But I also know that some of you (like me) would really very much prefer a bit of a happier ending.)

So! I hope to see you all there! (but first grab some water or some sleep because I know you all read fanfiction instead of both of those things).

Y'all are amazing! Cya soon!

- Chamomile 🌼

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