Chapter Two: Ravenguard

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Astarion fought the urge to stay and see if Diana would return, as he made his way to Ravenguard his mind kept falling back on the site of his daughter, had she truly remembered him? Could it have been real, if Diana was truly alive then by all hopes Aelius would be too.

The city repaired itself well, Wyrm's Rock stood as mighty and tall as it did when Gortash had taken power, Astarion presented the guards at the gate with his invitation to see Ravenguard, they nodded stepping to the side and allowing him in. Several citizens lined the walls waiting to see the Duke, their faces had a sense of urgency. Entering the audience chamber, the Duke sat next to the people not above them, listening intently to the crowd before them. With a look of acknowledgment to Astarion, Astarion moved to one of the empty tables in the back waiting for the Duke to finish with the others.

The crowd dwindled as Astarion heard Ravenguard dismiss each one with grace, promises of finding and holding accountable the murderer that plagued their city. One of the women came towards Astarion.

"No more until my meeting with Astarion is finished," Ravenguard announced to the guards, he waved off the staff in the hall.

Astarion made his way to Wyll's father, one of the staff fumbled into Astarion, her cloak nearly falling as mousy curls became visible. "Pardon me, I am so sorry." Wine covered the front of Astarion's black and gold coat, her tray trembled in her hands. Her eyes never lifted from the floor.

"Worse things have soiled my clothing before." He tried to look the woman in her eyes but she kept them down and shut. She dismissed herself with apologies. Astarion shot Ravenguard a puzzled look.

"Come, there is much to discuss." Ravenguard hugged his friend, the two had bonded over the decade there was something about fatherhood and its trials that kept them in consistent contact.

"So another string of murders?" Astarion released his friend holding him by the shoulders.

Ravenguard's eyes were tired, his wrinkles had grown deeper. Stress did not fair kindly to the Duke. "Unfortunately it would seem so, whispers of changelings and symbols of Bhaal as well. The only positive thing to come from these murders is the chance of your children," The Duke looked over Astarion, "Please clear the room." Astarion turned to see who the Duke had been speaking to when a searing pain flooded his chest, an arrow protruding from his ribs. He hit his knees, seeing a flash of crimson light as he heard his friend being thrusted against the wall behind him.

Another arrow tore Astarion's torso, and the strike of lightning flooded him, he could hear Ravenguard fighting to speak, Astarion attempted to push himself from the ground, but the weight of a heavy boot upon his back kept him in place. "Tsk, tsk why would you want to get up? You don't want to miss the coronation now do you?" the familiar voice that had apologized to him earlier spoke down to him. She pushed harder at his weakened body, a flash of light then blackness.

Astarion woke in a familiar place, the temple he had scoured so many times blurred into his vision. He tried to move his head to search for his friend but found it was bound in place, as were his arms and legs. His vision was still hazy scarlet eyes came into focus, they stared at him with hatred. The woman fully removed her cloak, she placed her hands around the iron bars that contained his cell. "This is just the perfect twist of fate now isn't it Astarion?" Her laugh was cruel and filled with joy. "I'd keep you here for a century or two if my master didn't have other plans for you." Astarion tried to speak but the gags in his mouth made no room to do so.

"Oh dear, it would seem I can't understand you. Poor Astarion, trapped in a cell with no hope of getting out. I'd pity you but since you did the same to me it would seem this sight just brings me an immense amount of joy." Astarion looked at the woman, his eyes filled with realization. "There it is." She laughed. "A birthday of many surprises, my first taste of a man then my first taste of captivity. Did you think you'd walk freely of your sins Astarion? Escape the reality of what you had done? While you were out prancing away with your little elf did you ever stop to think of the souls you destroyed, those you doomed to damnation?" She shook the bars, "While you played house I did everything in my power to make sure you would fall, and look at where we are now you're in a cell and I have my freedom. Enjoy your stay Astarion, master has big plans for you."

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