Chapter Nineteen: Beyond their Years.

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Unoiled hinges broke the hours of silence as Shadowheart walked in, her green eyes lingered on Citrine, they searched for some sort of familiarity. Clearing her throat, "We are ready to leave, we think it may be for the best if we bring her with us, rather than leaving her in some cell." she looked at Astarion unsure in her own words. Astarion rose, taking the hood in her hands. She nodded to him. 

Astarion lifted Citrine from her position, gathering the hood in his hands. "And where will we be going?" Astarion did not answer, he pushed her hair off her shoulders and slipped the hood over her face. he waited for some sort of half-witted response but none came. 


"Astarion, only you and the children can decide on what is to happen should this not work." Wyll's voice was solemn, his hand laid plainly on the shoulder of Astarion. "We have fought many battles friend, but I fear this is the most complicated one yet." 

"I don't have an answer. Am I supposed to just give up? Look and Aelius and Diana and say 'We tried but this is the end'. Hand her back to the temple and keep my kids on the run for gods only know how long?" 

"One step at a time Soldier." Karlach pulled the two into a tight hug. "We don't have to have all the answers right away we just have to try." Releasing the two she looked down upon them both. "Cart is loaded, it will be nice to see Reithwin not all spooky." Astarion nodded. 

Astarion watched as Lae'zel dumped Citrine in the back of the cart, he heard some mutterings from her but could not make out what was exactly said, only the cold laugh from Lae'zel could be made out. Two hands grabbed his, he looked to each side to see his children, both grown for years beyond their own. The confused and broken scarlett eyes of Diana, the hopefully but worried green of Aelius'. He squeezed both of their hands and lead them to the cart. 

"Is the Underdark safe?" Aelius' voice was barely above a whisper. 

"No where is safe." Diana answered for Astarion. 

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