Chapter Twenty One: Silence of the Night.

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"I remember everything, Oh gods I remember everything." She pulled herself down from Spaw's arms, she touched the myconid gently, tears flowing freely down her freckled face. 

"Peace Bringer." He hummed, the myconids stepped to the side, Citrine gripped her chest. Memories from her time attempting to earn the favor of her father, the blood, the gore, the mutilations she afflicted upon others. Her time with her found family, the parasite. All of the memories flooded her. 

Cool arms wrapped around her, matching tears fell down Astarion's cheeks. "Oh gods, Astarion I remember it all." She threw her arms around him, bawling into his chest. He kissed the top of her head, "Astarion, the evils I've done. Aelius, Diana gods what have I done?" She pulled herself from Astarion seeing the faces among the myconids of her friends, her chosen family among those faces tucked behind Karlach were her children's apprehension clear on their young faces. 

Diana was the first to approach, Aelius following close behind.  Hand in his sister's. "Mum?" A soft smile left Citrine through the tears. The two flew into their parent's arms. 


The Flaming Fist and Harper's under the watchful eyes of Minsc and Jaheira made quick with clearing what was left of Bhaal's Temple. Though they slaughtered those they could find there was one who left no trace of their existence. Not even a whisper of her remained. Liliana seemed to be all but long gone. Anyone who even hinted at worship for the god of murder was put on trial. 


The travel back to Waterdeep was long and filled with laughter, late night fire story tellings and the occasional tears. Citrine sat head laid upon Astarion's shoulder watching her kids bicker over their dragonchess set, her friends laughing and for once in a long while truly relaxed. A smile spread across her face. 

"What are you smiling about my darling little elf?" Her nose crinkled at the kiss laid on her head. 

"This, them, all of us." She snuggled closer into him. 

"Tomorrow we are home, all of us home. Walk with me?" She nodded, clasping his hand in hers fingers interlocked. They walked off into the silence of the woods, the night's song soon took over the laughter's of camp. Stars sprinkled their rays through the canopy of the trees, the moon kissing their cheeks. 

Astarion stopped, pulling Citrine to face him. "My darling little elf, after all we have been through I have one favor to ask of you." 

"Yes?" Citrine looked up to him puzzled. 

"Don't die on me again. This whole rising from the grave thing has become tiresome. Lets leave that to a few hundred years from now." Citrine laughed, tippy toeing she placed her lips upon his. 

"And here I thought you might enjoy the theatrics of it all." He kissed her through the laughter. 

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