Chapter Eight: Trinkets.

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Citrine watched from above, her body clung close to to roof she laid across. She watched as Liliana slammed Diana's head into the stone, a tick of anger at her own plan coursed in Citrine, but she pushed it to the side, her father had plans and she had her own plans to attend to. She could focus on two things at once, she watched as the double doors pulled open and Liliana and Diana were cornered, she could only see the backs of their heads and their words fell deaf on her ears. She watched as a white-haired boy slightly taller than Diana pulled what must have been his father from Liliana, the man shook him off as he leaped toward Liliana who dodged him effortlessly.

Liliana masterfully evaded the large group slinking off into the darkness, Citrine admired her movements she was skilled and Citrine admired that. She lingered watching the group surround Diana on guard, she watched as Diana reached for Astarion tears falling with gasps of pain. Her daughter was a brilliant liar, Citrine took a mental note to never trust the girl. It was a red tiefling that picked her up, holding out an arm to the others yelling, Citrine could only pick up on the word "pain". The tiefling had half a horn missing, and a long braided ponytail. She held Diana cradled as she sobbed into her chest.

The white-haired man looked over each shoulder, his scarlet eyes clear to Citrine, a sharp sting hit her heart and she couldn't help but let out a gasp. He was beautiful, covered in blood and bleeding himself. His hair curled around his pointed ears, his eyes pools of roses. Lines and creases that suited his face the anger and distrust plastered along the lines. Citrine ducted further onto the roof slowly, a part of her felt empty looking at him as if part of her was within him.

She followed the group from a distance as they watched over their shoulders, their caution left them distracted, once she thought the twig she cracked under her boot would give her away but they took no notice. Once they arrived at their new camp hidden a distance from the docks she headed back to the temple.


Aelius eyed Diana as Shadowheart tended to her wounds, Karlach did not leave Diana's side. "I don't know if you remember kiddo but I was forced into fighting as well. Zariel had me in her clutches I know what it is like to have to kill for someone." Karlach placed her hand on Diana's shoulder lovingly.

"You can't actually believe her?" Anger shot through Aelius, his words were sharp and tense. "She loved killing, in fact, she enjoyed it so much she would collect trinkets from her kills. Wouldn't you sister?"

"Aelius I had no choice! Those weren't trinkets but reminders of my sins. Brother, you must know me better than that! Their influence was strong. Grandfather knew all too well how to get others to do his bidding. Aelius please believe me. I was lost but something about Mom coming back and what they are doing to her- what they planned on doing to me and soon you. I was wrong, they manipulated me. Aelius please listen to me. I am your sister." Diana's tears fell like rain, her sobs thunderous.

Aelius rolled his eyes. "All of you would be fools to trust her. She'll bleed us dry as we sleep."

"Aelius, your sister came to find us of her own free will, and was almost killed for it." Shadowheart moved to him pulling him into a hug.

Aelius pushed her back, "How do you think she knew where to find us? This is a trap, and I hope for all our sakes you all see it before it is too late."

Shadowheart turned back to the girl, her hand slowly moved to her hip "How did you know where we were?"

Diana looked up from Karlach's embrace. "I heard they had attacked Uncle Wyll's father I figured that was my best shot at finding you all." She looked around, "Will Uncle Wyll be back soon?"

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