Chapter Eighteen: Golden Ivy.

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Astarion had braided many braids as the hours passed, the two would occasionally exchange words, both of their bodies relaxed into each other. "So we're married?" Citrine eyed the ring around Astarion's neck and the two on his hands. 

"Technically no." Citrine pushed her head forward to him, her eyes waiting for further explanation. "You died before we could." 

Citrine moved her bound hands to her mouth, "Two children born to those unwed before the gods. How progressive. I'm assuming you didn't ask my father for my hand." Her laugh was more familiar to him. 

"No, no, no. I don't think he would have approved." They both laughed together. 

"Well let me see it on, it is mine after all." Astarion, apprehensively unclasped the chain from his neck and let the ivy-laid, golden ring fall into his palm, he situated Citrine in front of him. He placed her hand into his slipping the ring onto her finger. She held it up admiring it in the dim light. "It's pretty, how did you propose, something grand no doubt." 

"If proposing in the hells is something grand then yes." 

"In the hells? Gory battle? Heat of the moment?" She watched as the yellow sapphire twinkled. 

"It doesn't matter, drop it." He reached for her hand. She pulled it back to her chest. 

"No, its mine." She pushed her hands into her chest curling her body around around them. 

"You said it yourself, you're not her. Give me back the ring. Now." She pushed her hands up her blouse. 

"No, I like it. Plus you won't go undressing a girl for a ring now would you?" Astarion pulled at her elbows trying to pull arms out of her blouse. "I'm not taking it out until you say I can keep it." 

"You don't know me very well then. Give me back the ring or I will get it myself." Citrine shook her head. He pushed her back onto the crates, pinning her with his knee on her chest and ripping the top of her blouse, he fought her fingers curled into a fist until her hand gave way, pulling the ring off her finger. She pushed her lips onto his, Astarion pushed onto her. With his free hand he wrapped his fingers in her hair like he had done before. Citrine melted into his touch. He pocketed the ring, freeing his hand as he pulled at her bindings. With her hands released she pulled him further into her. Their tongues danced with each other. Their lips never parted, Citrine began unbuttoning his shirt, pulling the white cotton off of each shoulder. His hands searched for her ankle bindings once freed he pulled her up off the ground. 

She wrapped her legs around his waist, Astarion pushed her against the wall, knocking a crate down as they embraced. His mouth left hers as he kissed down her neck to her breast. Kissing back up to her ear. "Astarion." Citrine moaned. His lips left her flesh and he dropped her down. 

"No, I'm sorry no." His ruby eyes widened as reality hit him. "You said it, you're not her." He hurriedly grabbed his shirt, placing the ring back on its chain and around his neck he clothed himself, muttering over apologies. 

Citrine stood wide eyed at the vampire. She gathered the fallen ropes, sat back down and held out her wrists. Astarion stared at her as he finished buttoning himself back up. He quickly bonded her back up. He did his best to fix her blouse, he sat on the opposite side of the room. 

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