Chapter Twenty Two: Roaring Fire.

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Aelius and Diana flew tackling the aged dwarf to the ground. "Poppy!" He held them close, smiling through the tears. 

"If you two aren't the most beautiful sight this old dwarf has seen in a long time." Poppy sat himself up still hugging on to the the twins. 

"Hello Tovier." Citrine smiled at her aged friend. 

"Ah, make that three." His smile widened. "I never doubted there'd be a happy ending for you." Citrine got down with her children and Tovier wrapped her arms around them all. 

The group laughed and smiled their way back home. Soon they were huddled around a roaring fireplace, mugs of hot chocolate and bottles of wines passed between them all. Citrine laid back into Astarion's arms. Their children embraced by their found family. In this moment peace, a peace they all should have had since the end of the Absolute. In this moment all was well, Citrine knew at some point the room would not be as full as it was now, but that was a worry for another day. She pushed herself gently into Astarion tucking herself into him. He kissed her head in the familiar way he always did. 

"My darling little elf, how do you feel?"


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