Chapter Three: A Daughter's Love.

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"Liliana," her name soared through Astarion's mind, the sweet human girl she had just turned a quarter of a century when he met her at Elfsong. She had been dancing with a group of women none quite as beautiful as her and yet Astarion knew she thought less of herself, when someone would make eyes at her she would turn away blushing looking at the others as if letting them know someone wanted their attention. She was shy and giggled at every touch he laid on her, when he would whisper her name she would turn the color of beets. He remembered when he kissed her she trembled under his lips. She had wanted to leave Baldur's Gate and travel the seas and he had promised they would do so after they met with his benefactor.

After a decade he wondered how she was the only one to seek revenge, but how and why would she be involved with Bhaal and his cultist? His thoughts were interrupted by a faintly familiar voice. "Papa?" Through the bars his daughter's eyes gleamed as bright as rubies, the flickering candles on the walls illuminated her, she was stunning. Astarion grunted, attempting to nod his head. "Hold on Papa we must get you out of here!" She clumsily fumbled with the iron ring of keys in her hands, looking over each shoulder. The cell's door swung open, she ran to her father releasing his mouth from it's bindings. "How did they find you?"

Astarion ignored the question, his mouth dry "Diana where is Aelius?" the blade she was using to untie his arms and legs from the mental chair slipped, cutting his hip. A grimace left Astarion.

"He's gone Papa, he refused to stay in line and they disposed of him." Diana's voice trembled, freeing his final ties, Astarion shot up he pulled her into a tight hug.

"My darling Diana." Tears fell from his eyes, he kissed the top of her head. Astarion shook the news of his son devastated him thoroughly.

"Come Papa you must hurry we have to get you out of here before someone notices." She pulled away from him as she grabbed his arm pulling him from the cell, her feet took off Astarion weakened mustered all his might to keep up with his daughter. "Hurry Papa this way!" She led him down halls, twisting and turning doubling back on herself.

Astarion came to a halt, pulling his daughter to a standstill. His eyes filled with sorrow. "Diana, this isn't the way out."

Diana slowly turned to him with a wicked fanged smile. "Oh Papa, you should have just played along this could have been so much easier." She swung her fist meeting his jaw. Astarion stumbled back a few steps, bewildered. She came closer dagger in hand, she flipped it on itself catching it smoothly. "Papa, why would you want to spoil my fun like that?"

Astarion reached for his daughter trying to pull her into him. "What have they done to you?" She smiled as she plunged the dagger into his side.

"Nothing Papa, nothing but teach me, nurture me, help me to embrace my true nature." Her smile grew. "Grandfather has such plans and was so excited to hear that you would be coming into the city. You should have seen the look on your face when you saw me at your grave. Did you think I cared Papa? I was hoping to keep the trick up longer. See the hope fade slowly." She pushed the dagger deeper into her father. "I guess you just let me down again."

"Diana, why?"

Her smile faded a look of disgust replaced it. "Why? Is that really a question?" She kicked her father down to the ground. Wiping his blood onto her pants. "You never came, for years I was tortured, Aelius and I were used as pawns against each other and yet every night we'd cry out for you and you never answered. You forgot about us."

Astarion tried to stand, his blood loss worsening, "I never gave up, none of us did. We searched everywhere for you and your brother." Diana kicked him down again.

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