Chapter I

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Kazuha's eyes blink open, only to feel the bright, shining sun in his eyes. He hisses, hiding his face in his arms.


He turns to the right, away from the sun, to meet face-to-face with someone as equally as bright as the sun. A figure with beautiful blonde hair and dark green eyes smiling down at him. Maybe it's because Kazuha just woke up, but he swore he saw bright sun rays emitting from his best friend.

"Thoma..." Kazuha mumbles.

"Yup, that's me. Get up, class was over 10 minutes ago. It's time to go home." Thoma locks his arms under Kazuha's armpits to pick him up.

"Ughhh... I feel like absolute shit. I don't want to get up..." Kazuha finally stands up thanks to Thoma's support.

"Don't you have plants to water?" Thoma says as he grabs his backpack, lifting it over his shoulder.

Suddenly, Kazuha has the strength to stand. Almost as if he was never tired. He grabs his backpack and takes slow and composed steps toward the doorway.

"See ya, Thoma!" he says as he walks out of class and down the hall.

He grabs the headphones that lay around his neck and puts them on his head. He takes his phone from his pocket and begins to play a random playlist.

Kazuha walks down the hallway towards the stairs at the back of the school. Once he's finally outside, he bathes in the sunlight. His pale skin glistened as if he were made of glitter. The wind causes his messy white hair to get in his face, but it doesn't bother him. After all, he's always been the type to enjoy the presence of the wind.

Finally, he makes it to his little garden behind the school, his safe place. The garden was originally for a gardening club he started but no one joined, sadly enough, so he was forced to end his club. He grabs his watering can from his backpack and heads to a nearby sink that is used by the after-school sports clubs. After filling up the can with water he takes his sweet time watering his plants one by one.

It's finally spring, meaning it's the perfect temperature for Kazuha's tulips to finally grow. On one side, he's growing estella rijnveld tulips. Meanwhile, on the other side of the garden, he's growing black parrot tulips. Kazuha has never had a green thumb, so his flowers usually die before they bloom. Despite his past, he feels like this time it'll be different. As if something is going to change.

Once he finished taking care of his plants, he headed towards the main entrance of the school, only to see a familiar figure. Thoma waves at Kazuha, waving back as he takes off his headphones.

"Hi! I was waiting for you!" Thoma cheerfully says.

"Mmm, you didn't have to." Kazuha sighs.

"I wanted to so I could tell you some good news in person!" Thoma places both of his hands on Kazuha's shoulders, looking at him with sparkles in those beautiful green eyes.

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