Chapter nine: Lie, don't lie?

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*Mika's pov. *

I'm currently on the way home from Heaths house. It's still relatively dark out, similar to dusk.

My walking slows when I see my house in near view. It's almost like I'm scared. I'd say that my slowing steps are a form of procrastination, but I won't admit to that.

I give up on my procrastination attempts when I see the sky getting brighter, I don't have much time until school starts, and I can't afford to have people see me in the same clothing as yesterday. That kind of stuff is another level of embarrassment.

Soon enough I've made it to the door, and I pray to the good lord that Dad won't be home, I doubt that any of my hopes in that matter will come true, but you can only hope.

I attempt to open the door. It's unlocked, that doesn't help with my hopes that Dad won't be home.

Carefully I step into the entrance, Dad's coat was no longer sitting on the ground.

My feet move forward another careful, short, and quiet step. Then another.

For what I can tell, Dad isn't home. It's silent, actually, the silence is almost painful. All I can hear is my light steps and that deafening pin noise you get in your ears when it's deadly silent.

When my brain finally comes to the conclusion that my father isn't home, I quicken my steps and arrive in my room. I then pick out an outfit that consists of flair yoga pants and an oversized shirt. It probably wasn't the best outfit, but I didn't have anyone to impress.

I lay the outfit out on my bed then walk my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

The shorter the shower, the less late I'll be. I remind myself.

The reminder fails miserably, and I end up taking a twenty-minute shower.

Once I'm out I gently dry my hair, deciding to leave it down.

I walk back into my room with a towel wrapped around myself, I then place the clothes that I picked out onto my body, before grabbing my bag and leaving the house completely forgetting to look in the mirror.

On the way to school I remember about Dad telling me to quit my job and look for a completely new one. A soft frown crosses my face, but reluctantly I pull my phone out of my bag and dial Sandies number.

She answers quite quickly. "Hi Mika. What did you need today?" She asks, her voice was so nice, gentle, it made me feel bad for what I was about to do.

"Hi Sandie. Um, there's no easy way to tell you this so I'll just say it straight. I need to quit." I intake a sharp breath at her silence.

"What? Mika, I thought you loved this job, I know you love this job. I- I don't understand." The frown on my face deepens. I did love this job.

"I'm so sorry. It's a very complicated situation." I whisper into the phone.

"Don't you worry, Mika. Just take care for me, yeah? We'll miss you."

Tears prick in my eyes. "I'll take care, I promise. You need to take care too." It's almost as though I can hear her nod through the phone. "And I'll still be coming in for the next few weeks. I hope you didn't think I'd just leave straight away, did you?"

She laughs softly. "I actually did. Mika don't worry about doing a two-week notice. If your situation is so complicated that you must quit your job, I wouldn't make you come in to do more work. Take a break, hm? Don't worry, I'll let everyone know about the news, but you don't have to come in again."

Her words only make me that much sadder; I don't get a chance to tell everyone myself. Now I have to find a new job right away.

"Okay, Sandie." I pause my speaking for a second before continuing, "Don't worry though, I'll come and get a coffee occasionally, so you can see me."

"Oh, that would be lovely!" A smile hints at my lips and I forget the circumstances for a chunk of time.

"Thank you for understanding, it means a lot."

"Don't worry, honey. I understand that nobody can work with me forever." She replies with a gentle tone. "Well, you better get to school otherwise you'll be late."

"Yes, I better. Thank you again."

"Don't you worry, dear. Now you have a good day.

"I will, you better have one too. Bye for now."

"Bye, Mika." She says before I hear the signal that hung up.

I begin my journey to school again, deep in thought.

Maybe if I can find a way to get unpartnered with Heath. I know Mr Johnson said that I can't switch partners, but what if I made up a fake story. That's not like me though, I'm not a bad student, I wouldn't do that... would I?

~Time skip~

I arrive at Chemistry class. I had a double period, so it was a fair amount of time to work for.]

The first thing I do is walk over to Mr Johnsons desk. He glances up at me.

"Hi." My voice comes out as a mumble.

"What do you need, Mika. Make it quick, I have a class to teach."

"I need to switch partners." It almost looks as though he rolls his eyes.

"We've already established this issue; you don't like Heath and you don't want to work with him. Unless you can give me a good reason, I won't switch the pairing."

"But I do have a reason."

"Then tell me."

My Mind debates what to do. Lie. Don't lie.

"It's personal." I mumble.

"Mika, you've already told me that one too, unless you're going to tell me what this 'personal issue' I will not be switching your partner. Plus, you and Heath should already be half done with at least the planning. You can't change partners this late into a project."

A small sigh leaves my mouth. "Okay, I'll stay with Heath."

"Great, now take a seat."

Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

I take my seat next to Heath and listen to Mr Mason say how we will be working on our project in class, at this the class collectively groans, except for me and Heath. I don't even think he's listening at this point.

Finally, Mr Mason stops talking, and I turn to Heath.

"I need your help." I say with a smile. He groans.

It's fun annoying him.

Authers noteee.

HI EVERYONE!!!! How are you today?

This chapter is kinda a filler, but I PROMISE next chapter will be very interesting ;)

Not like that, get your mind out of the gutter.

Anyway, if you didn't see my announcement, I made a TikTok - @tamsin001. I would very much appreciate if you could shoot me a follow, I don't mind if you don't though :)

ALSO, I literally cried while writing the quitting scene, idk if it was the music I was listening to or what, I just found it sad af.


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