Chapter 7

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When Loretta woke up, she turned on her side and saw that Oliver was still sleeping, his left arm was still wrapped around her and his face was close to hers, she could feel his soft breath on her skin.
After some minutes, she decided to go back to sleep. She wrapped her arms around his waist, held him as close as possible and she fell back asleep.


Two hours later, Oliver slowly started to wake up as Loretta's arms were still around him. He thought she was cute, they didn't know each other since a long time but he felt so good with her, he wanted to stay like that forever.

He looked at her sleeping until he saw it was almost 11am and decided to wake her up.

He started caressing her cheek.
"Loretta, it's time to wake up" he said softly as he continued to caress her cheek and started stroking her hair with his other hand

Loretta started moaning in her sleep and said his name which made him laugh.

"hey, I'm sure your dream is incredible but you have to wake up" he chuckled

"... Ohhh good morning" she slowly opened her eyes and immediately started smiling when she saw him

"good morning" he kissed her cheek
"seem like you had a good dream" he smiled at her

She started to laugh "well nothing exceptional, I dreamed about what happened last night"

"nothing exceptional? Well I'm hurt" he looked at her like he was hurt
"I thought we had a good night"

She started laughing "of course, it was a wonderful night but I meant that my dream wasn't wild if you know what I mean"

"oh yeah I see perfectly, don't worry I was just teasing" he started stroking her hair again

"So how did you sleep?" she smiled at him

"Well I had a beautiful woman in my arms all night so it wasn't bad" he said quite embarrassed

Loretta started blushing "oh well thank you, I'll take that as a compliment"

"you can because I said it as one. And you? How did you sleep?"

"Well same as you, I had a gorgeous male in my bed so it was wonderful"

"Oh is that so?" he flirted

"yeah, I could even add most gorgeous male I had in my bed in YEARS" after saying it, she thought she maybe went too far

"Thanks" he kissed her cheek again

After some minutes, Loretta decided to break the silence.

"I'll go to prepare breakfast, what do you want?" she asked as she started to go out of her bed until Oliver stopped her

"No no stay here, I'll go make breakfast. Is it okay if I make toast with fruit salad?"

"Oh yes it would be wonderful, are you sure? You don't want me to help you?" she asked him as she didn't want him to do all the work

"It's okay, just stay in bed and I'll come back when I'm done" he said as he went to her side of the bed to kiss her forehead

When Oliver left to go to the kitchen, Loretta sat up on the bed and started thinking about him, about the night before and that morning. When he kissed her on the cheek, it felt so good and so right, she could already see herself with him. He was just so perfect. Always taking care of her, making sure she's okay.
It was new for her, no one had ever done this for her before and it felt good to be finally have someone to take care of her as she was always the one taking care of everyone.

When Oliver came back she was still sitting on the bed, lost in her thoughts.

"hey are you okay?" he asked as he came in her bedroom with a tray full of food and coffee

"Oh yes yes I'm okay, I was just thinking" she smiled at him
"Oliver! Everything looks wonderful, thank you so much for cooking breakfast"

Oliver looked at her and smiled, he was so relieved to see her so happy after what had happened 3 days ago.

"You don't need to say thank you, it's normal. By the way, it's your food not mine" he said as he came to sit beside her in bed

She laughed "yeah I know that but I'm happy that you made breakfast, first time that someone does that for me" she said as she started eating. Oliver looked at her, very surprised

"Nobody ever did that for you"

"No never, not even Babette, I was always the one to cook. GOSH! This is so good" Loretta said as she kept eating

"Then I'm glad I did and I'm also glad that you like it" he smiled at her

"what do you want to do after we finish eating? Do you want me to go back home or something?" he asked, kinda hoping that she would say no.

"What? No of course not" Loretta looked at him like he was crazy, that made Oliver happy

"Okay then what should we do?" he smiled at her

"I'll go take a shower then maybe we can go to walk somewhere? If you want to of course" Loretta said as she didn't want to push him

"Okay let's do that, I'll just go to put my clothes on and I'll come back here to wait for you, is that okay for you?"

"Yes it's perfect" she said as she smiled at him and when to the bathroom

Meanwhile, Oliver when to the living room and started to put his clothes on, as he was doing that he started thinking about Loretta. He realized that he started having feelings for her
'stop being stupid, she doesn't like you, she just lost her friend and I did too. That's the only reason why we are close' he said to himself. He then went back to her bedroom but at the same time Loretta opened to bathroom door and came in the bedroom with a towel loosely wrapped around her.

When she saw him she started screaming "OH MY GOD, HUM WAIT WAIT" she said as she tried to quickly take her clothes that were on the bed but when she grabbed her skirt, her towel fell on the floor "OH SHIT" she said as she immediately ran back in the bathroom and closed the door.

Oliver started chucking, everything went so fast but she was so cute. He had never seen her naked body before but she looked wonderful.

When Loretta closed the door, she leaned against it and started crying, she didn't even know why but her emotions where all over the place.

Oliver started to walk to the bed to sit on it until he heard Loretta crying so he went to the bathroom door.

"Loretta? Is everything alright?" he started to worry

"Yes yes I'm okay, go in the living room I'll be there soon" she said as she kept crying and wiped her tears

"Hey listen, if it's about what just happened, it's okay. You don't have to be embarrassed, it happens to everybody" he said softly to try to calm her

"It's not okay, I know we are friends but we don't know each other since a long time and you just saw me naked, that's so embarrassing Oliver" she kept crying

"It's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed. Loretta, open the door please"

"No, I don't have my clothes on"

"I don't care, open it"

Awhile later, he saw the door open and Loretta was standing there, crying with her towel back on

"come here" he said as he opened his arms

Loretta immediately ran to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him as he did the same

"You look beautiful, never forget that"

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