Chapter 17

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"How is she?" they both asked

"She's doing great, she's still on oxygen but she can breathe by herself. The only thing is that lots of her bones are broken. Do you know if she fell or something?" the doctor said

"Uhm yeah she did" Richard answered

"Okay well it explains why she's in that state. Can I bring her into this room or do you want to be apart?"

"Bring her here, it will be perfect" Oliver quickly said

"I will, we are just waiting for her to wake up" The doctor said as he walked to the door and turned around
"Oh, one last thing, she's covered in bandages due to her fall so don't be surprised when you'll see her" he said as he walked out

Oliver turned to Richard and sighed in relief "god I'm so happy that she's okay. I thought that she would die"

"I thought that too but I'm glad that she's okay and I'm also glad that you're okay" Richard said

"Thanks" he weakly smiled at him "uhm do you know if they arrested Roberta?"

"No I'm sorry, nobody called me"

"I sure hope they caught her, she's a danger for everyone"

"Yeah I agree but don't worry about her anymore, I'll take her of it just focus on Loretta once she'll be here with you" Richard said when suddenly the door opened, the doctor was back but this time with Loretta's bed

"She's awake?" Oliver asked

"No she's not but we thought that we could bring her here now" the doctor said as they pushed Oliver's bed to put Loretta's beside him
"Here, call us if there's a problem with her or even you" he said as they all went out of the room

Oliver turned his head to look at her and looked back at Richard with tears in his eyes "look at her, she must have been in so much pain"

"Oliver, she's okay. I'm sure she will wake up soon to tell you that by herself"

"I definitely want her to wake up"

"Hey, I'm gonna go buy you something to eat, what do you want?"

"You choose" he simply said

"Will you be okay here by yourself?" Richard asked as he went to put his coat on

"Yes I will, beside I'm not alone" Oliver said as he looked at Loretta with sad eyes

"Okay then i'll go. I'll be back soon"

"Wait!" Oliver said before Richard closed the door "can you call the police to ask them, you know.."

"Yeah I will" he finally closed the door behind him

Oliver turned his head back to Loretta and started to talk to her
"Well I guess we are alone now. You can't imagine how happy I am to see you, even if I can't really see your face with all these tubes. You scared me so much, but now it's time for you to wake up, I miss hearing that soft voice of yours, and those eyes, I want to see them too"

"Oliver" Loretta weakly said

"Oh my god yes, Loretta I'm here" he got out of bed and when to sit on a chair beside her and took her hand in his "right here with you"

"" she tried to say

"Hey now that I heard your wonderful voice, stop talking, keep your energy" he said as kissed her hand.

"O...kay" she said and she immediately fell back asleep when the medicine kicked in again.


Later in the day, Oliver was laying in bed, reading a book he had started a long time ago but never got to finish. For him, the story was so similar to his life. He wasn't the kind of guy who liked love stories but now he knew why this one was the exception. This was the story of a boy who lived in New York and one day he met a girl crying in a park, he consoled her and they immediately fell in love with each other. Although he didn't know if she felt the same as him, the only thing he knew was that he fell in love with her and he fell hard.

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