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it felt like they had been on there for hours, it had only been 20 minutes. rue and felicity didn't talk within that period of time, 1 for being there was nothing to say as they had told eachover basically everything last night. 2) they were told to "shut the fuck up". after a long 25 minutes they heard the front door shut from the other room. rue was still pacing up and down the room probably thinking of another crazy ass idea to scare nate jacobs. ash came in.
"you can come out now" he said with a plain facial expression.
the thing is with ash is that he could watch someone get killed and then eaten , but would walk out like nothing ever happened. you could never figure him out.
"we're going down to the store now, come on" fez said grabbing 2 bags then opening the door.
everyone followed out after him, rue left and ash and fee followed fez however she wasn't planning staying much longer either.

"it's fucking cold right" ash said opening the freezer door grabbing the bags from fez.

"right" felicity said back

felicity and fez were talking for a bit and as for ash he didn't really say much. he was kinda just there. no one had really came in the store other than a few people who had either innocently been getting a drink or something or others who went into the back. felicity felt she had got closer to ash and fez over the period of the past 2 days. more ash, her and fezco were already fairly close.

a tall , brunette boy walked in fairly muscular he looked at felicity.
"felicity" he said nodding his head greeting her.

"nate" she said glaring over at him.

ash and fez exchanged looks.

"what up fez" nate said

"sup man"

ash went into the back.

"can i get two of the rolling papers to man."

"yo man, ion know wit you rue n jules n shi but you should know, i really do care about her" fez said.

nate leant up against the fridge door.

"aren't you like her drug dealer?"

"nah man"

"what you ina relationship"

"nah bro that's like my family"

"so it's platonic"

"look man all i'm saying is leave her and her friends alone"

"is that a threat?"

"nah , i'm just telling you"

"or what?"

"we're not gon be havin this conversation"

"fezco let's get this straight, your like half a retard, you dropped outa school at 20 and now your a gangster. what are you like tony montana. what's the plan? hm? gonna be livin in a mansion? fuckin pet tigers and shit? go fuck your self." nate said laughing.

"listen bro, all i'm saying you keep fucking with rue and her friends and ima kill you. it's gonna be $5.75 playboy."
nate chucked him the cash then walked of.

"fuck man, anyways i've gotta go home sort this shit out with salia n shit" felicity said.

"alright kid, you want a lift?"

"is that good with you?"

"if it wasn't i wouldn't offer, go get ash"

felicity stuck her head round the freezer door.
"cmon your dropping me home"
ash stood up grabbing his phone of the table and a lighter of the top of the microwave.


"here you go kid"

"thanks fez, bye ash, bye fez" she said closing the car door behind her. they drove of.

"fuck" she mumbled walking up her drive away. her sister was stood at the doorway.

"so boys drop you home now, is that where you've been at boys houses."

"i will be where i want to be , thanks salia, because obviously you clearly care so much"

"i do care"

"oh yeah my bad, just like you have cared the rest of your life, now can you come out of the way i would like to get in the shower and eat"

salia moved. her sister was such a bitch and didn't understand anything, she was so self centred and didn't care about anyone other than her self. she expected people to work for her and everything to go her way in life whilst she just sat back. however what salia was yet to realise is that the world doesn't work that.


felicity just got out the shower, brushed hair hair , got her pajamas on and got into bed. she picked her phone up of her bed stand.
-hey ash, it's fee do you want your jumper put in the wash?
-i know felicity and no keep it
-whatever you say

he replied really quick to her surprise, he probably had nothing better to do though. feed door opened , it wasn't salia and it wasn't her boyfriend it was maddy.


"hey fee, where have you been?"

"i've slept at fezcos house last night and this night before. anyways it's late, how was you allowed out."

"i wasn't" she said pulling herself into fees bed.


felicity has been around a lot more at the moment, im  not saying it's a bad thing , not at all it's just like one minute we barely saw her next minute she's with us every minute of everyday , i like the idea of it just being me and fez it's more peaceful. maybe im just being selfish but fez is my brother after all, it's always been us and that never tends to change.

"ash , someone's at the fucking door"

"i bet it's fucking rue"

"no bro, it's the fucking police dude flush everything down the fucking toilet"


that's all for tonighttt! anwuaus im tired man 😢😢  i don't tend to read these through so like uh any mistakes just ignore.

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