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her head sunk onto ashtrays shoulder, each tear leaving a damp mark on his top. ash's eyes wondered the room in utter awe. fee pulled out "thankyou, but who would of thought you can show some affection." she sneered.

"dont get to cocky felicity" ash clipped

her cheeks went a light shade of pink "of course not"

felicitys eyes were still slightly red and puffy from crying. "i didn't mean what i said earlier, i was just fustrated at the time" she blurted struggling to maintain eye contact.

"i know" he said stepping closer to her. his breath almost fanning her face. "do you want me to leave when she leaves?"

"no" fee said enhancing her breaths. "not at all"

felicity's phone went releasing the sexual tention in the room. she chewed the bottom of her lip before stepping away and reading the text of her phone.


-fez just told ash is at yours!! knew you to had a thing.. coming to yours as soon as he leaves, you need to tell me everything!!!!!

felicity didnt reply in the moment she would text back later

"whose texting you?" ash quizzed her

"since when did you care her" 

"since now" he spat

"nothing that concerns you"

he took her phone out of her hand and grinned before handing it back to her. 

"perhaps it does" he said slightly ammused



depression is different to sadness, sadness is a short time emotion which is triggered by something that displeases you temporarily. its happenstance, whatever did or didn't happen for you. your able to express that pain as there is still a sense of emotion flowing through you. yet depression is a deep feeling that sits parched in your head and stomach where in most cases you can physically feel it weighing you down. your body needs deep rest from the personality you display to others. you know and are aware of how you feel, but it cant be expressed. its a deep feeling of nothingness. that sums up myself. letting it constantly get to the better of you only makes it worse, so therefor i try to stay as productive as i can, socially.

"im going out mom" rue said walking through the kitchen, restraining herself from looking at her mom and gia.

rues mom stood up quicky "your not going anywhere until i can trust you"

"oh mom fuck off please, im staying at jules, just leave me to do what the fuck i want please"

"no rue, your not a good person at the momenent." rue smiled. "you smiling, really your proud of that?"

"you know whats a shame mom, my dads dead. kind of keeps you from admitting what a shit fucking mother you are." rue spat at her mom who was left frozen. "goodbye"



after mine and ash's encounterment earlier, i didnt know what to think of our so-called 'friendship' whether its persuing or, i dont even know what it was. but it was definatly making me rethink. 


"yeah?" he turned to look at me

"im bored"

"well what do you wanna do?"

"i dont know"

"smoke?" he nodded towards his pockets

"cant, not until salia leaves in like a hour and a bit. but im thirsty, come kitchen with me" fee said standing up, waiting for him to do the same

"mhm, come on then"


both of them left her room and went into the kitchen where salia and her boyfriend were stood.

"who is this?" salias boyfriend, mike looked over to ashtray

"my friend, is there an issue?" fee spat

"dont be so rude felicity, he was asking a question" salia moaned

"you have no say in what i do, ill be rude if i want to." fee said whilst grabbing 2 waters out the fridge.

"does the boy not speak" mike said

"nahh" ash said to busy texting to engage in any sort of productive conversation 

"i suggest he goes home, you cannot have a boy here when i am not here" salia remarked

"oh please im 17, when you are not here he is always round, so whats the issue now?" fee furrowed her brows

"well i was not aware of that, which i should be and i dont care how old you are, i said what i said"

"be so for real, you need to hear yourself salia you sound pathetic, do you not understand im 17 years old? literally give it a rest" 

"atleast let him introduce himself, usually that is the polite thing to do" mike said

"i strongly suggest you keep out of this, this has nothing to do with you mike" fee muttered tapping her finger on the kitchen counter. "have a fucking awful holiday, and dont return. quite frankily i dont want to see or hear from either of you again"



"im going to get in the shower" fee said grabbing a white towel from over her door and wandering of into the bathroom. 

this gave me time to explore her room a little bit, i was curious to know why she turned the photos around in her room, i stood up wandering from each shelf to each surface area and to each cupboard flicking through photos and pictures. she was always extremely pretty, but tonight made me think thst even more. before i knew it i heard the door re open. 

"ash put them down" she came in with her silk black pajamas and a sweet punjent aura to her. 

i examined her for a few moments before placing the photo frame back on the shelf. "sorry, just curious" 

"its okay" she hummed walking closer to me. "thanks for staying tonight, it means a lot."

"nothing better to do really is there? i think fez wanted me to come look over you to"

she sat down on her bed, her strong scent fluctuating my nose. "im really fucking tired" 

"its only early, your sister hasnt even left" i said returning to texting


"who are you texting?" fee furrowed her brows

"fez" he said distinctly 

"oh whats he saying?" she shuffled closer to ash leaning over his shoulder, ashs breaths radiating the back of her neck.

"your leant on my arm fee" he wriggled his arm out from underneath me and lifted it over me to text.

"sorry" she whispered

"its ok" he said 

fee was ever so slightly in ash's hold she was laid under his arm with his hand reaching above her to text. 

"the door, just closed i think salia has left" fee said bouncing up grabbing a lighter from her drawer.

ash rolled his eyes playfully before sitting up and grabbing stuff out of his pocket.

overtime- ashtrayWhere stories live. Discover now