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"I feel sick." Fee stated, stood by the receptionist of her school.

"You don't sound or look sick?" The receptionist, Miss Hart, said shaking her head at the girls poor attempt of a lie.

"Okay but I feel it, you can't tell me I don't, your not me? Just let me go home. Please." Fee huffed, slopping onto the chair next to the desk.

Miss Hart stared at her for a minute, assessing her looks. "Okay very well Felicity, do you have a parent or guardian we can contact for you, to collect you?" The receptionist pursed her lips, returning to typing on the computer.

"I am 17, I do not need an adult to collect me? Do you not think I am capable of making my way home. And I am also very confident your aware I don't have any parents, so why suggest that?" Fee snapped, swinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry, it completely slipped out mind." Misses voice soon became sympathetic and sorrowful. "And usually, if a student is ill we encourage them to get collected, on our system their is a Salia? Your sister it says here, do you want me to give her a call?" Miss looked at Fee through the top of her glasses, flicking her eyes back and forth between her and the computer.

"NO! Um, she is at work, don't call her. She will get mad at me, it's okay I can just walk." Fee jumped at her words, insisting she didn't call Salia.

"We really do encourage you get collected, if something happens whilst your supposed to be in our care-" The receptionist went on, causing Fee to loose her patience, striking her hand infront of her face.

"Look, nobody is collecting me I will walk. Okay?" Fee began to sign the signing out sheet and made her way towards to the door so no further conversation would be made.



I gasped, regaining my breath, who would of thought a few flights of stairs could take you so much energy? I strolled over to the door, having little to no energy to walk at normal paste. It was only now I noticed all the cameras around the house, a little excessive you would of thought. I knocked on the door, creating a tune.

"FEZ, THE DOOR." I heard Ash shout through to him, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. They were home, and alive. My two constant worries about them both, type of stuff that keeps me up at night.

"You fuckin' get it man." Fez threw at him, his voice getting further away from the door.

"No, you get it." Ash argued back in refusal.

"One of you open the fucking door!" I commanded, loud enough for one of them to here me, whilst banging on the door.

Soon enough, I could hear the multiple locks be handled with from the other side of the door, Ash opening it. I threw myself into him, wrapping my arms around him instantly feeling a sense of comfort. "What happened ma, talk to me?" His voice became soft and loving, causing me to weaken.

"Just school." I shakily breathed out, still resting my head into him. "I hate it."

Ash played with my hair, running his fingers through my scalp. "Yeah, I know you do, want to go to yours or stay here?" He whispered into my ear, sending me cold. No matter how many times Ash had touched me, kissed me or even talked to me, he was still capable of making me feel ways I had never felt.


"He was asking me way too many questions about you, bad ones, they were trying to make me admit to them you were a bad person, it annoyed me so much I just wanted to come home." Fee exhaled deeply, swaying her in arms with rhythm.

"Well your home now, you shouldn't get annoyed Fee." Ash approached the drive, taking her hand. 

"Well, I did, they can't just assume your some fucking criminal from the way you look and act!" Fee huffed, faking an annoyed face, still keeping hold of his hand. 

"Am I a criminal?" Ash paused, furrowing his brows down at the short curly girls face.

"Yes? But they still had no right to assume." Felicity walked of towards the door, ignorant as ever. "I was only sticking up for you." She added.

Ashtray followed her through the door, making him self also at home, kicking his sliders of, leaving them at the door, Fee pulling a face at him. "What?" He questioned her, mimicking the face she displayed.

"First of all, I prefer to keep my home organised and clean, like me, so please, put your shoes in drawer. Secondly, why do boys wear socks and sliders? Fee pestered, gesturing her head towards the drawer.

"Well I would hope they do, why do you want me to walk around with my feet out or sum? That a girl thing bro." Ash stated, looking at her then his socks, meanwhile putting his sliders away. 

"Ew no never, and I only have my feet out when my toes are done." Fee giggled pointing at her painted toenails before guiding him through to the kitchen. "I love that Maddy also likes to keep the house clean." She said sarcastically, walking towards the dishwasher. "Your not clean though, I have to watch where I step in your room." 

"That's because I am boy." Ash stated, passing plates to his girlfriend who would load them into the dishwasher.

"Boys can be clean to you know." She chuckled, repeating her movements. 

"Can you clean your kitchen when I leave?" Ash yawned, pulling her waist into him. 

"Fine. Why do you wanna go somewhere?" She relaxed herself, letting him move her around. 

"No, do you?" Ash pulled her into his chest, swaying from side to side. "We have just been out, do you want to watch something?" Ash hummed onto her hair. 

"Yeah, we can plus we have all day, Maddy is with her parents for dinner tonight so she won't be back till late. What kind of movies do you like?" Felicity tilted her head up at him, giving him a warm smile, Ash planting a quick kiss on her lips in return. 



Guys I am sooo sorry!! I have been away for so long, travelling to London then back home to be out for 4 days, sorry this chapter wasn't the best. I am so tired, I think I am going to write 2-3 more chapters? But they will be longer for sure, I still don't know how to end of.. I have got a few things in mind. I really do not want Ash to die though, every fanfic, he dies!!!!  So I want to end on a different, much happier note. But I also think we need to have some more rue, I wanted a bit plot twist, obviously if that happens the book will have like 2o more chapters but Fee and Ash won't be such a happy couple throughout. 

I would really appreciate some of you guys ideas, do we-

A) End them in a happy relationship in the next 3-4 chapters, with a few different perspectives such ad rue and Maddy. These will be way longer chapters.

B)15-20  more chapters with a big plot twist, more bits from series but Ash and Fee are most likely not going to be on good terms. 

C) Ashtray dies but it is a very wholesome ending, well, very well written, I hope. 

Please let me know. I just feel I haven't added enough from the series or followed the correct order, but I didn't so I could focus and build on Ashtray's and Fee's relationship, I also haven't added a big event, I have added a few mini ones but not a big one. But considering this is my first every story, I think I have done well. it just takes time to get the best outcome. 

I will be doing more stories after this, more information of who these will be about and what movie or series they come from will be released at the end of this book. But do except another Ashtray book in the future. 

To conclude, thankyou so much for reading along, I am still young and it's the greatest feeling to know I have wrote something for it to get 12,000 reads. I understand it is not a lot, but for me it's more than enough. I was not expecting this. 

If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote and comment. Don't be a silent reader :D

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