3 - Dinner

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Shinobu heard a knock at the door. She immediately stood up as she figured it was her best friend

She was in front of the door when it opened. It was Giyu again. Shinobu's smile faded. Not only that, she was frowning in disappointment

"You could've tried to seem less disappointed " Giyu chuckled before moving to the side and revealing Mitsuri. The short girl's smile appeared once again as she attacked Mitsuri with a hug

"This is very embarrassing" Mitsuri blurted which caused Shinobu to pull away from the hug. She was pouting

"The hug itself isn't embarrassing, it's the fact Giyu is right there and you were literally frowning when you saw him" Mitsuri laughed before they proceeded inside

"I didn't mean to do it. Just an instinct I guess"

"Ouch" Giyu said as he put the food on the dining table which was already prepared with two plates and two sets of utensils

"You literally implied his presence is that repulsive to you. And now you didn't even prepare him plates and utensils" Mitsuri and Giyu were laughing while Shinobu's face was red in embarrassment

"It's fine, I don't care, Kocho" Giyu assured her as she got himself utensils and a plate "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be coming back, and I didn't mean to react like that earlier" Shinobu said apologetically, still clearly embarrassed

"You already said it yourself. It's instinct, right? Your body just thinks I'm that unpleasant, not your fault" Giyu was smirking as he sat down

"You didn't tell me your friend was such a tease"

"I'm right here"

"Shinobu, he's a tease right now because you're giving him so much ammunition, idiot" Mitsuri replied as she also sat down

Mitsuri was at the right side of the table while Giyu was at the left. This left Shinobu no choice but to sit at the head of the table

"Giyu, I—"

"You're just going to make it worse, Kocho. Stop explaining" Giyu and Mitsuri chuckled at Shinobu who was red once again

"Whatever, I'm sorry" Giyu nodded before gesturing for Shinobu to eat

The dinner was not quiet at all but only due to one person at the table. Mitsuri is very talkative while eating and this wasn't an exception. She didn't talk while eating, but still she was the only one talking majority of the time

Giyu and Shinobu were only nodding, shaking their heads, or maybe giving one to two word answers

Once they finished, Mitsuri volunteered to wash the dishes. Shinobu was grateful until she heard Mitsuri continue

"Shinobu, you see Giyu out. Just until his car" Shinobu's eyes widened and she stood up from her seat "WHAT?" She yelled

"You could've just said you didn't want to" Giyu chuckled after teasing Shinobu once again. Shinobu's cheeks went red once again

"Body, please stop doing this" she told herself

"I'm sorry, okay?" She walked towards Mitsuri "But why though?" She asked in a whisper

"I want you two to get along and this is a good opportunity"

"After all the embarrassing things I did tonight? Really?" Mitsuri chuckled and faced her best friend "Giyu doesn't lie. He doesn't care, Shinobu" Shinobu groaned before reluctantly agreeing

The two went outside after Giyu bid Mitsuri goodbye. The walk towards the elevator was silent. The elevator ride was also silent. Not until Shinobu felt awkward

Shinobu was not the best in awkward silence. She always wants to be talking to the person she's with if it's just her and that person

She can attribute this to her people pleasing nature. She knows most people don't like awkward silence so she goes to talk, even if she doesn't want to

"I'm sorry again for earlier" Shinobu said, looking up to face Giyu "It's fine, Kocho. I already said I don't care" Once again, the two fell into silence

"The food was good. I'm guessing you're a home cook?" Giyu nodded before facing her. Their eyes met, and weirdly enough, Shinobu looked away just a second in

"You don't need to talk, Kocho. Small talk is more awkward. I'm fine in silence" Giyu said, which confused Shinobu who looked back at him. Their eyes meeting once again

"But isn't silence a bit awkward?" Giyu shrugged "Not to me. Sometimes silence is a bit relaxing. Do you think it's awkward?" Shinobu shook her head. She felt the same way

"Then don't talk if it's just small talk" Shinobu nodded before looking away. Giyu confused Shinobu.

"How can a person be so frustrating and such a tease, but also feel so comforting to be with right now?" Shinobu thought to herself. She was interested in Giyu. She found him intriguing

Someone who she could be silent with. Shinobu didn't think someone like him existed

"That is noted" She said before the elevator door opened and the two exited. It was silence between them but the pressure Shinobu was feeling to talk magically disappeared

They arrived at his car. They waved goodbye to each other before Giyu opened the door to the driver's seat and entered

Before Giyu could turn the engine on, however, Shinobu approached the car and knocked at the window

Giyu brought the window down so he could hear Shinobu

"Giyu, thank you" Giyu raised an eyebrow "For what?"

"For being someone who can be with me when I want to dwell in silence" Giyu laughed at her remark "I just said that you don't have to talk, and now you're thanking me?" Shinobu nodded

"I also don't know why. I'll get your number from Mitsuri later" Giyu raised his eyebrow again "Kocho, you are very confusing" Shinobu laughed

"I also don't know why I'm doing this, but you're very intriguing. That's it" Giyu nodded before turning on the engine of his car "Bye now?" Giyu asked

"Bye now"

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