6 - Sleepover

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"Why were you out?" Giyu asked, making Shinobu drift her attention from her phone to him

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"Why were you out?" Giyu asked, making Shinobu drift her attention from her phone to him. They were sitting on the couch, both looking at their phones before Giyu initiated the conversation

"Am I not allowed to do that?" Shinobu asked with a provoking tone "I'm just asking because that means you and Mitsuri didn't eat dinner together. Just unexpected for me" Giyu explained

"I know you too don't always have to be together, but I just expected if you're eating out, she would be with you too" Giyu added

"Sometimes I need alone time" Shinobu explained before laying down "Couches are for sitting"

"Don't nag me" Shinobu glared Giyu who rolled his eyes making Shinobu throw a pillow at him "The sas?" Giyu was laughing

"You're throwing pillows at my own house?" Giyu asked, still laughing "You roll your eyes all the time, you don't see me throwing pillows"

Shinobu rolled her eyes "Whatever"

"My point exactly" Shinobu rolled her eyes again

"Anyway" Shinobu changed topics to add to her previous statement "I love Mitsuri, but I'm a person who needs alone time" Giyu nodded


"Who?" Giyu was confused


"Asked?" Shinobu gave a teasing smile at Giyu who was glaring at her

"I'm just joking!" Shinobu exclaimed as Giyu grabbed a pillow

"Okay, continue" Shinobu said with a cheeky smile and a peace sign thrown up

"This is why I don't really want to get into a relationship" Shinobu looked at him, clearly confused, gesturing for him to elaborate

"I feel like to be in a relationship with someone, I need to give so much of my own time to them, which I just can't" Giyu added and Shinobu nodded

"But if you love someone, won't you be willing to do that?" Shinibu asked and Giyu shrugged "I've never fallen in love with someone so I wouldn't know"

"Well anyway, I think it depends per person if you really need to give a lot of time to them if you're in a relationship" Shinobu said

"I think that uncertainty makes it scary and is another reason why I don't want to be in a relationship" Shinobu nodded before posturing up after she thought of a good argument to that statement

"But if you love someone, aren't you willing to take the risk even if you're scared?" Shinobu asks and Giyu shrugs again

"I've never fallen—"

"Boo boring give another response" Shinobu said while giving Giyu a thumbs down. Giyu sighs before taking a bit of time to think

"Love makes us dumb so if you really love that person, you would probably take the risk, yes" Shinobu nodded, satisfied with the answer

"How about you? Would you take the risk?" Shinobu took some time too before answering

"If there is really nothing stopping us except from that uncertainty, then yeah I would take the risk" Shinobu answered which made Giyu think

"What else could stop you?"

"Religion, parent's approval, distance, other stuff" Giyu nodded

"I hate how your answer is better than mine"

"Yours was good too"

"Yours was more complete"

"I guess I'll just take the compliment. Thank you" The two laughed before falling into silence

A comforting one

"Shinobu would—" Giyu stopped talking and just smiled when he saw Shinobu was sleeping already

"I guess it is a bit late already" Giyu said after checking the time on his phone. He stood up and approached the sleeping Shinobu

Giyu admired her face for a few seconds before carrying Shinobu in a bridal carry

"God you're light" Giyu whispered and lightly chuckled, careful to not disturb her sleep

Giyu slowly walked up the stairs and to Makomo's room. He carefully placed Shinobu on the bed and tucked her in

"Good night, Shinobu. I had fun tonight" Giyu said with a smile before walking out of the room

Giyu breathed in and out after he walked out

"Giyu, careful, you have a weakness for smart ones too"

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