7 - Interrogation

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As Shinobu entered the apartment, she tried her best to be as silent and sneaky as possible

It is currently five in the morning. Shinobu woke up and came to the apartment early so she didn't have to interact with Giyu anymore

She felt very embarrassed for sleeping on the couch while they were talking.

What was worse for Shinobu is that she woke up in Makomo's room meaning Giyu carried her while she was sleeping

The thought of it immediately makes her cheeks red

She sighed in relief as she silently looked around the apartment. Mitsuri wasn't awake yet, it seemed

"It is insanely early" She reasons before walking to her room's door. As she touched the doorknob of her room, however, someone exited their restroom

"Shit" She cursed in her head

Shinobu slowly turns around and she sees Mitsuri who had her arms crossed with a teasing smile on her face

"Good morning" Shinobu said with an awkward, forced smile. She knows where this conversation will go if it starts

"I'm a bit tired, I woke up early, I'll just get some sleep" So she tried her best to not let the conversation start

"You're not escaping, Shinobu" Mitsuri said, making Shinobu roll her eyes "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing happened last night?"


"My gut says otherwise" Mitsuri said, squinting her eyes at Shinobu. She just felt that Shinobu was flustered by something, so something must have happened

"It doesn't have to be malicious. You're just bothered, I know it" Shinobu sighed "You know me too well, it's annoying" Mitsuri chuckled at her best friend's remark

"He may have..." Shinobu hesitated making Mitsuri worried "If he did anything bad, tell me"

Shinobu panicked with the sudden serious demeanor of Mitsuri and shook her head violently

"Nothing malicious" Mitsuri was relieved by this "I slept at the couch while we were talking so he carried me to Makomo's bed"

There was nothing but silence.

Mitsuri was dumbfounded

Before covering her mouth and screaming, to not produce much sound as it is five in the morning currently

She started jumping and hitting Shinobu playfully, which still hurt Shinobu a little bit

"I'm sorry, but that's too much" Shinobu rolled her eyes, this was why she wanted to avoid this conversation

"You're overreacting" Mitsuri shook her head "No I'm not. This is an insane development, admit it"

"Development for what?"

"Don't play dumb. Your relationship" Shinobu's eyes widened

"You're insane" Shinobu laughed

"It doesn't have to be romantic, you know" Mitsuri reasoned out, which made Shinobu roll her eyes

"You wouldn't have been slapping my shoulder if you thought about friendship"

"I'm excited about the romantic possibility, but I wouldn't complain with just friends" Mitsuri admitted and shrugged

"Whatever, I'm getting sleep, you need anything else?" Shinobu asked, and seeing that she is actually very tired, Mitsuri shook her head and let Shinobu sleep

Shinobu entered her room and plopped on her bed and thought about Giyu as a potential romantic partner, which didn't mean anything. She does this usually with other guys

Not until she started smiling

She slapped the smile out of her face as she realized and tried to actually sleep

"I must be going insane"

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